Chapter 10~ the start of something new

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Nialls pov

I sat at the table thinking of ways I could apologize to Justin but all of them were absolutely stupid! so I just thought I would just say I'm sorry. I payed for breakfast and walked out to find Justin.

I finally found him, he was in Harry's arms. It hurt a lot to see him that way, I mean I wanted him in my arms and to know that I made him cry hurts even more.

I moved closer to them to hear there conversation, Justin passionately kissed Harry, I felt my heart breaking, then Justin asked Harry to be his boyfriend!

"WHAT?!" I yelled on accident, I was overwhelmed by emotion my eyes started to become blurry from tears, I ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I wanted to just lay down and die...... I ended up in the woods, how ironic!

I sat against a tree and drew my knees to my chest and put my head down. I just wished this was all a dream and when I woke up everything would be back to normal.....

"Niall? is that you?" I heard a voice call, I looked in the direction of the voice. it was HER!

I quickly got up


she yelled, I stopped and turned around, she neared closer to me

"Did Justin make you this sad?" She asked as she put her hand on my cheek and looked me in the eyes

I wasn't sure, was it really justin? Or was it Harry? I mean I always had fears he would one day leave me.

I shrugged at her.

"Do you really want him?" I paused in mid nod, was Justin who I really wanted or was it Harry who I needed. You can't just throw away history...... or can you?

I nodded at her

"Niall I have a plan to ensure you get with him but you have to do everything I say, you in?"

I looked into her eyes, contemplating whether I'm making the right decision and her real intentions.

"Yes" I said, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek while evilly whispering in my ear

"Good" what have I done!

Harry's pov

Justin and I watched Niall runaway, i wasn't sure what to do.

Justin looked at me waiting for my answer, I smiled at him

"Of course i'll be your boyfriend" I kissed him passionately

He pulled away and smiled at me, holding my hand. electricity shot through me, he stood up pulling me along with him,

"Where are we going?" I asked

He jumped on my back and kissed my cheek

"The park! Go Hazza go!"

He chanted so cutely and the park we went.

We arrived at the park there was a few other people there mostly children. there was a little girl who looked about 3 she had brown curly hair and hazel eyes she was wearing a Minnie Mouse shirt with a cute black skirt. she approached us.

"Hwi!" she said

"Hello there princess" I kneeled down to her level

"You have cwurly hair like mwe!" she giggled pointing at my hair

I laughed

"Yes you are very right!" she smiled at me and looked over at Justin, then back at me again

"Are you two brudders?"

Me and Justin both giggled

"No he's my boyfriend, his name is Justin and my name is Harry"

She looked at me, she had the cutest thinking face! her eye brows were knitted together and she put her hand on her hip

"I'm Darcy! Swo you two dwo what my sissy does with her bwoyfriend?"

"Nice to meet you dary! um I guess so" I laughed and she giggled

"Jwustin and hawwy your da cutest couple ever!" she hugged us which made my heart melt

"Oopsy gotta go! mum has Ice cream!" she waved and ran away going toward her mother

"She was so adorable!" Justin said

"Yeah she sure was! I love her name too!" I grabbed his hand and we walked around the park, and we sat and talked the rest of the time. Out of the little time he's been here he's managed to steal my heart and make me feel as if I can't live without him...... oh Justin.

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now