Chapter 16~lets just start all over

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Niall's pov

We all went to my house, no one said a word! it was pretty awkward.... Justin's friend Haley had to leave so we all said goodbye to her. We decided to just watch a movie. Harry,Niall, and I stayed far away from each other until Louis said

"Guys, I'm bored. Lets play truth or dare!" he said with a grin, we all reluctantly agreed.

"Me first!" Lou said

"Okay, Niall truth or dare" I thought for a moment.

"Dare" I said

"Okay, I dare you to pick between Harry or Justin." He said smirking

"I can't there dating-" I began but was cut off by Justin

"Not anymore...."

"What?!" Harry said

"I just think it'll be better if we all just started over as friends..." Justin said nervously

"....Uhm...okay" Harry said sounding hurt

"Awkward..." Lou said we all looked at him,

"Go ahead niall!" Lou said

"Both" I said plainly

"YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH MR.GREEDY PANTS!" Louis playfully yelled

I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit.

"Okay Louis truth or dare" I said

"DARE" he said happily

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with...." I looked around and seen the perfect candidate "Zayn" I said smirking. both of their eyes bucked and mouths open

"Oh good your practicing" I said with a sexy smirk, they both closed there mouths and started to blush.

"Go on!" I got up and pushed them into a closet and locked the door "your 7 minutes begin when I hear some action" Harry said this is the first time that Harry has giggled and I haven't felt butterflies....what's that supposed to mean has Harry lost his effect on me and Justin has it or do I just not love Harry as much as i used to... I stood there pondering on it for a second until Harry spoke

"What's wrong Ni?" he touched my four arm and my stomach felt like an eruption of birds in my stomach, so much I clutched my stomach

"Nialler what's wrong? Does your stomach hurt?" I couldn't answer I just grabbed his hand and went into the bathroom with him.

"Niall what's going on?" look Harry I need you, I need you back, I miss cuddling with you, messing up your hair, being the reasons for your giggles, holding your hand, hearing your morning voice, doing other things that I know you can think of, I miss those things and I miss you, please Harry..." he looked at me tears brimming his lower eye lids, he didn't say a word but his action spoke for him.. he hugged me...his hug was kind, caring and filled with love. He looked at me and softly kissed my lips, I could feel all of his emotions in that one simple sweet kiss... I think it's safe to say I'm hooked on Harry....

When lines are crossed and promises are broken (jiall,narry,hustin zustin love story)Where stories live. Discover now