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"I want to go back to the topic of guilt today

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"I want to go back to the topic of guilt today." Ms. Morrel spoke to her group therapy. Madison Blackett and Stiles Stilinski sat beside each other. "It must be a surprise to hear me say that guilt is a good thing. It's a rather mature emotion." Malia Tate glanced over at Madison before letting out a sigh. "Malia, you said something about guilt the other day. You said it came with a kind of visceral reaction."

"I said it made me feel sick to my stomach." Malia stated bluntly, staring daggers into Stiles Stilinski.

"Guilt often becomes physical." Ms. Morrel nodded. "You feel it in your gut. It's not just psychological." Madison noticed Stiles was a little more on edge than usual, and placed her hand on his knee. He looked over at her, and she sent him a smile. "How does guilt make you feel, Stiles?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles widened his eyes. Since he was not listening to her in the first place, he, of course, did not hear the question.

"What does it make you feel?" Ms. Morrel repeated.

"Nervous." Stiles shrugged.

"Like a sense of urgency?" Ms. Morrel questioned him, and Stiles nodded. "You feel an urgent need to make up for something you have done. To apologize." Madison leaned back against her chair. "These are healthy responses. Does anyone know who we call someone who doesn't experience guilt?"

"A sociopath." Madison sighed, answering the question.

'I'm a sociopath.' The voice of Tetia rung through Madison's head.

'Yeah, you are.' Madison though.

"Let's take a break." Morrel spoke, walking over to Madison and Stiles. "Madison, Stiles, can I talk to you?"


Ms. Morrel examined the red lightening shaped mark on Stiles's back. "It's called a lectinburg figure. It usually appears on lightening strike victims." Morrel explained to the two teenagers. "The fact that it's appearing on you after injecting wolf lichen is significant and strange."

"And by that, do you mean hopeful optimistic?" Madison sighed, already knowing the answer.

"When the marks fade, the nogitsune's grip over you will return." Ms. Morrel spoke as she examined medicines.

She handed him a bottle of pills. "What are these?" He asked her, glancing inside the bottle. "Sleeping pills?"

"Amphetamine." Ms. Morrel shook her head, correcting him. "Sleeping is what you don't want to do. You're vulnerable when you're asleep."

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