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Psycho_Pire's dream is LIT..or HI G H

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I was in my house with you (A/n: Huh? Me... ) and my friends.

Somehow, my house is larger than before and the wall full with EXO's logo.

I went to the kitchen to grab some snack and then I saw Kyung Soo naked while cooking.
(A/n: *flips tables and walks out* NO! YOURE NOT SEEING MY BB NAKED!! NO!!)

My eyes widened and my cheeks burned while Kyung Soo calmly said to me 

"hey ___ wanna drumstick, wings or breast?"
(A/n: *glaring at Psycho_Pire waiting for her response to kyungsoo* Why yoooou)

Luckily his JR censored.

I went to your room.

"Omma! Kyung Soo's naked!" you calmly said.

"It's okay dear they always do that every day."

"What do you mean by THEY?! Ofc EXO!"

And I woke up with blush on my face.

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HAahahha I find this dream funny ... like.. Dude. What did I look like in my dream? Bet I have a body of a person and face of Felipe xD

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