BokJoo's Little Sis & Joonhyung

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Dream of: KPOPXME 

senpoi: sorry it took so long dear. yongseohe~ :(

It all started when am in class i was sitted of course ,i looked at the whiteboard that language is actually Hangul!!!

I saw Nan hee, seon ok and of course bokjoo

The fucking bell rang the bell is actually the song "boommarang" is that the right title anyway

Nanhee , seon ok called by my name


"are you coming with us at the cafeteria"-seon ok

"yeah sure"-me

"ka ja!!"-Nan hee

So we went to the cafeteria

Nan hee , seon ok , Bokjoo serve my food

"do you guys think i can finish this??"-me

"ofcourse you can!!!"-them

"sausage --- swaeg!!!!"-them

And then joon hyung came out of nowhere

"Ddong!!!"-joon hyung

"jagi did you ate well"-tae kwon

They were actually looking at me

The two boys are looking at me!!!

"what?!!"-bok joo

"What do you want from my lil sister ha!!!"-bok joo


"Sorry bok joo-ah"-the boys

"bok joo-ah its okay"- me

The bell rang ...

"aish!!! I didnt finish my food" the girls except me

"oh!! Professer yoon wants us to be at the gym!!!"-seon ok

We ran all the way at the gym.

Its actually raining so hard we forgot to bring an umbrella

We inside of the gym everyone is there , everyone is practicing.

"yah!!! Bok joo, nanhee, seon ok, Y/N "-coach choi


"what are you doing there lets go practice 1.2.3!!"-coach choi

After that professer yoon made us some exercise and some task and mission.

My partner is bok joo

"ka ja!! Lets find it"-bok joo

I remain silent.

"yah are you okay??"-bok joo


After a few hours... We haven't found a thing

I looked at bok joo

She is so pale like she haven't eaten in a week

In then she fainted


And then joonhyung came out of nowhere again , he only wears his swimming suit!! So i can see the abs.

"WHAT HAPPEN TO HER!!"-joon hyung


We brought bok joo at the school clinic

I was waiting outside the clinic

And joon hyung came out , there s a towel around his neck , he looked at me deeply....

And then without no reason he kissed me


Sa panaginip lang kita makikita at makakapiling oppa!!!!

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