AOMG High School

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I've gotta say, AOMG High School may be the littest high school ever...if you're Park Jaebum.
If you're Park Heeji, it's a literal nightmare because all you're worried about is softball and graduating.
You're not worried about friends or memories or having fun.

Hi, I'm Park Heeji, 1st year softball player, residential book worm and party pooper.
Of course, you probably know my brother much better... THE Park Jaebum, 3rd year party animal and residential fuckboy.
I love him and I love spending time with him...I'd love it a whole lot more if he wasn't so damn popular.
Everywhere we go, he sees someone he knows and they feel the need to tag along or they see me with him and assume that they can treat me like they treat him.
I don't like people tagging along with me everywhere. I don't like all these scary 3rd years acting like they're friends with me.
I'd much rather go to school, take notes in peace, go to softball ball practice, go home and study my notes in peace.
Does that really happen though? No, of course not.
It would if Mom and Dad were ever home but of course they aren't. They're to busy going to fashion shows all over the world and spoiling the shit out of us to make up for their absence.
Jay has a fucking music studio in our the most legit music studio of all music studios.
Him and all his friends wanna make music but if you ask me, they won't get to far. They goof around to much.

I would kill for one normal day or even a normal morning, just me and Jay...good old fashioned sibling time.
But in this world, we can't have nice things.

"Heeji!" I heard my brother yell in the morning. I groaned and rolled out of bed. "It's time for school!" I heard my brother's best friend, Kiseok, yell. Of course, coming from him, it's more like a husky growl. "Come eat breakfast!" My brother's other best friend, Hyukwoo cooed.
I rolled out of bed, grumbling lots of swears directed at my brother's friends.
I changed into my school uniform and walked across the hall to my bathroom.
I combed my hair and threw it into a messy bun. I brushed my teeth while humming a song that my brother recorded a while back.
I washed my face and smiled at myself in the mirror. "Remember how good you look here because the next time you and I, dear sweet reflection, meet again, you will be covered in sweat and sand from softball practice. Have a good day." I smiled enthusiastically, walking out of my bathroom only to be spooked by Kiseok.
"You talk to your reflection like that every morning?" He asked me. "Do you eavesdrop on me while I'm in the bathroom every morning?" I asked, walking past him and downstairs to the kitchen.
"Good morning Heeji! How is my precious whittle sissy this morning!?" Jay said, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing the top of my head repeatedly. "Let me go!" I whined as his picked me up off of the ground, squeezing me tighter and tighter.
"Jaaaay!" I yelled, desperately wanting to be put down.
He finally let go and smiled at me. "You awake now?" He giggled. I only sneered at my brother in disgust as I sat down to eat my breakfast. "So where in the world are Mom and Dad?" I asked, walking to the pantry in search of food.
Kiseok and Hyukwoo disappeared for a little bit. They always did this out of respect when me or Jay mentioned our parents.
"They're either in Milan or New York. Dad mentioned both yesterday while you were at softball practice. He told me that him and Mom were sorry they couldn't wait for you to get home also." "Eh, it's whatever. I'm used to them ducking out without seeing me by now." "They aren't ducking out. They're going on business trips with strict schedules that just don't match with your softball schedule."
"All I gotta say is, I better get a new bat when they come home." "Didn't you just get a new bat? Spoiled brat." "That thing is an original wooden bat autographed by every baseball legend from Babe Ruth to Jackie Robinson to Hank Aaron! You're crazy if you think I'm playing with that! It's worth more than I'll ever be!" I screamed in Jay's face, getting worked up. I hate being called a brat, especially by someone who gets treated like a prince at all times.
"'re a fuckin nerd." Jay laughed at me.
It was kinda silly to get so worked up over a bat with signatures that were probably fake anyway but it's important to me. It's the first thing I ever bought with my own money. What was the first thing Jay ever bought with his own money? Probably a Playboy Magazine but who really knows?
"You know when they're gonna be back?" I asked, cooling off from being called a brat by my dumb brat of a big brother. "They didn't say. Mom said they were gonna try to take some time off work and go to Hawaii for their second honeymoon." "Didn't they go to Hawaii for their first honeymoon?" "No, they went to Jamaica."
I pulled a box of cereal out if the pantry and went to pour some into a bowl that Jay had sitting out on the table. The box was empty and I tossed it over my shoulder, jerked around and kicked it into the living room. "Easy tiger. That wasn't the last of our frosted flakes." Jay said with a questionable look on his face. "Is it so hard to throw a box away when it's empty?" I huffed. "Maybe I was saving it to recycle. Don't you care about the environment." "Insert SpongeBob meme. DOn't YoU cARe aBOUT tHe eNVIormEnt." I said in a mocking tone. "Why you gotta bring memes into the argument?" Jay looked a little hurt.
I walked to the pantry again and got a box that hadn't been opened yet. I poured my bowl full to the rim and took an extremely aggressive bite out if my cereal.

Hey there, just stopping by to say that I am currently working on a rewrite of this book. The basis will be the same but focus mostly on artist signed to H1ghr Music and they'll be on a baseball team instead of Heeji being on a softball team.

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