Before Game 3: interview gone bad

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I ordered some food for Jay and Zilla dropped me off at my house.
I have Jay his dinner and I went to my room and did some yoga.
In the middle of child's pose, Jay barged into my room, still eating. "Hey, tommorow, I might not be able to make it to your game." "Why?" "I have a really big exam coming up and I wanna try to actually get a good score on it." "Okay, I get it." "You still love me?" "Of course I do. Your the best brother out there." "And you're the best sister. This food is amazing." Jay said with a mouth full.
He left me alone and I continued my yoga, trying to relax and unwind before my game.
I packed a bag with water bottles, my uniform, practice sweats and  nicer outfit for our interveiw. I went to bed early and had a nightmare about cystic acne
I woke up to several notifications saying I've been tagged in tons of different posts across SNS.
I looked through a few of them and got ready. I sent Umji the address of the donut shop we were gonna eat at and went to wake Jay up.
"I'm gonna head out in a minute. Good luck on your studying today." I told him as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Alright, stay safe and kick ass." He yawned.
I walked to the donut shop and there was a banner welcoming us.
"Heeji! I'm happy you came here! It'd been a waste of a banner if you didnt!" The owner greeted me. "It's no problem. Thank you for your generosity. The rest of the team should be here soon." I bowed to him.
Shortly, my team arrived and we enjoyed our free breakfast. Several people arrived at the donut shop just to see us and wish us luck and let us know they were rooting for us.
It was honestly an overwhelming and heartwarming sentiment.
So much had changed for me in such little time.
Half a year ago, nobody knew who I was and nobody cared to try to figure it out. Now everyone loves me and for what? I'm good at softball and I've been on tv twice.
We all signed autographs and took pictures with people. We felt like celebrities. "Y'know, they kinda look like a girl group." "What like idols?" "Yeah, look at them smiling and radiating and standing together with all of their adoring fans surrounding them." I overheard a conversation two people were having and it made me crack up. I looked at my team and #6 didnt seem so happy. I walked behind my teammates to get to her.
"You okay?" I asked in her ear. She gave me a weak nod. "Wanna talk a bout anything?" I was concerned. I'd never known any of my teammates to be upset or to bothered by anything. Then again, I didn't know them that well. "I just heard some rude stuff. I'll be okay." "I'll take your word for it but let me know if you wanna talk about anything." I told her, squeezing her shoulder and returning to my spot.
Umji looked at me with a knowing smile. "You're gonna be a good leader Heeji." She said to me, leaving me to wonder what she meant. I hadn't done anything to outstanding. All I did was check on a friends well being.
After breakfast, we all rode to Daegu and prepared for our interveiws.
To some extent, we all dressed up very nicely.
I dunno if I'm just biased because we've kissed and showered together but I felt like Umji looked the best out of all of us.
She was giving me Blake Lively from A Simple Favor vibes. (If you've never seen that movie, I highly recommend it. Omg Blake lively made bust a fat nut she looked so good in it.)

Shortly have we got done prepping, the cameras arrived and we got set up for our interviews.
Umji, being captain, went first. She was asked a lot of personal questions and questions about herself and most questions revolved around her being captain.
"Now, Umji what do you think makes a person a good leader?" "Well I think the basis of someone being a good leader is caring. Say, you're captain of a team, any kind of team, but you don't care about the people you're on the team with. Right from the get go you're destined for failure." While listening to Umji, I immediately thought of Dasom and how people should have projected their blame onto her for not caring instead of me for caring. "I mean, I know I'm a good leader and I know if it weren't for how much I love and care for each and every girl here, I wouldn't be a good leader." "You say you love and care for each of them and I do believe that. I mean all of you have been playing ball together since elementary school...expect Heeji. She just joined and because she hasn't been with all of you that long, does she throw off your team chrmisty?" The interviewed spoke about me as if I wasn't there. Umji looked obviously annoyed and so did I . "No." She said firmly. "Heeji is an amazing addition to this team and fits in perfectly. We needed a pitcher and a person like her. I am grateful she's on this team with us because she completes us." Umji shut the interviewer down quick. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything negative." The interviewed coughed awkwardly. "Uhm okay I would like to interview the maknae, Heeji next since we just talked about her. So Heeji, I understand that you're rich. How'd that happen?" Oh my God, that is the dumbest question I've ever been asked in my life. "I'm not rich. My parents are. It's not my money." I said bluntly. "Oh well obviously. You're how old? 14?" "I'm 16 thanks." Coach Choi was giving the interviewer a dirty look from behind the camera. "I apologize. Everyone just makes such a big deal out of you being so young considering your skill level. 16 is a little shocking." "Im impressive because I can out pitch most proffesional male baseball players. Do you have a question that isn't rude or condescending?" "Hmm..." The interviewed seemed to have shut down. "Heeji, I understand that you almost had to drop out of the tournament before it even began. Can you tell us about that?" My former captain had it out for me because my older brother supposedly did her wrong and the rest of my home team filmed her beating me up." I said shortly. "What was she doing to you?" "She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, slammed against the lockers and held me up by the throat while she repeatedly punched me in the stomach then threw me on the ground and got on top me and started whaling on my face then got up and kicked me in the stomach several times." I said blankly. "You really are a very sweet person. I don't believe that happened." "Don't believe it happened? Go online and search 'stupid 1st year the shit knocked out of her for being disrespectful to her seniors in the locker room'! I didn't tell anybody this but the fucking video of me getting beaten up went viral! Over 500,000 saw it and ridiculed me and you have the nerve to say it didn't happen? Do a little research and come back when you're ready to do a more professional interview." I got up and left.
Everyone else got up and left with me.
I sat outside of Daegu's gym, shaking, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks with everyone huddled around me. "They really posted the video online and didn't get in trouble?" "They blurred our faces so you couldn't prove it was me and Dasom and it was uploaded to an anonymous forum and spread from there so there was nothing to be done about it." I said, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "It's not even the fact that so many people saw it happen, it's the fact that everyone who saw it was cheering for Dasom. Everyone said I got what was coming to me. I got what I deserved. Literally all i did was remind her that Jay is my brother and he's got my back no matter what." I wiped away my tears but they kept coming down. "If only people knew what really happened between her and Jay... I bet people wouldn't feel so sorry for her." I was ready to spill hot, broiling tea put of pure broiling anger.

AOMG High Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें