the schedule

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Woojae walked me to practice and he hugged me goodbye and told me to stay hydrated.
I walked into the locker room and Coach Lee immediately slammed a clipboard to my chest.
"Here is everything you need to know about tommorow. It's like you're famous or something." She laughed at me. "That's the 3rd time I've heard that this morning." I sighed with a small smile. "Well then maybe it's true." Coach Lee shrugged, leaving me with my schedule.

SK vs. Canada
7am- Group Breakfast of Heeji's choice (please dress comfortably)
8am- arrive back to Daegu
9am-prep for interviews (please bring NICE clothes to change into. We will be on TV)
10am- Individual Interviews to be broadcasted later that day
12pm- pep rally in Daegu High Gym
1pm-prep for game/photo shoot

I'm not sure who typed this schedule out but I love them.


What's the deal with this photo shoot on our schedule?

Don't freak out
I promise it's not a big deal
Sports illustrated is covering the tournament and it's our turn to be on the cover since we're ahead in our bracket

No big deal
No big deal
No big deal
No big deal
No big deal
Sports fucking illustrated isn't s big deal okay

You okay?


Lmao it'll be alright
We're all freaking out a little bit
I love you, stay safe and where are we having breakfast tommorow?

Oh I know the perfect place
Me and Woojae went to this donut shop this morning
And the owner is a fan of ours
He offered us free breakfast tommorow if we all showed up

Yes free breakfast!!!
We shall see you bright and early tommorow

I went about my regular practice routine and my regular day, trying not to burst about being on sports illustrated.
I sat in my homeroom class during lunch, studying instead of eating when Seunghwa and Kiseok interrupted me. "Have you eaten yet?" Seunghwa asked me. I shook my head while being nose deep in my biology text book. Kiseok ripped my book off my desk and slammed it shut. "And why haven't you eaten yet?" "I'm busy. Can i have my book back?" "Not with that additude." Kiseok scolded me. "We just wanted to drop by and ask you something...well two somethings really." Seunghwa said, taking my book from Kiseok and laying back on my desk. "Is it true you're gonna be on the cover of sports illustrated?" I nodded. "And you didn't think it was a good idea to tell anybody this?" "I didn't think about it. I'm sorry." "And a little birdie told us that you and a certain somebody shared a bed last night." Kiseok whispered like a scandailsed auntie. "Yeah me and some dude from SM Academy. I don't recall his name. There's just so many of them." I smarted off. "Hehe that's not what Jessi told us." Seunghwa looked down at me. "That rat." I mumbled under my breath. "Ah, I'm telling her you called her a rat." Kiseok sounded like a 5 year old.
"Heeeeeeji! I wasn't sure what you'd like so I just got you a... ham...sandwich... ...Hey guys?" Woojae walked into the classroom and Kiseok and seunghwa turned around to stare at him, clearly making him feel uneasy. "Woodie!" Seunghwa smiled nicely. "Or should we call you Woojae?" Kiseok smirked at me deviously.
Woojae looked at me with worry filling his eyes. I returned the look.
"So is it true?" Seunghwa asked Woojae excitedly. "Is what true?" Woojae cautiously stepped in between Kiseok and seunghwa to hand me my lunch that he offered to buy me. "That you and a certain someone shared a bed last night." This time, seunghwa whispered like a scandalized auntie. Woojae's darted at me then back to his hyungs. "Yeah I slept over at Jessi's place last night." Me and Woojae had the same tactic. Deny. Deny. Deny.
"Yeah we know. Jessi told us already." Kiseok smirked.
Woojae dragged his desk to touch mine and sat down to eat his lunch, not looking up and Kiseok, Seunghwa or me.
He took a bite of his sandwich and sighed deeply. "Please don't tell Jay." Woojae said meekly, still looking down.
Just the, heading tapping on one of the classroom windows. I looked out towards the hall and saw Jay, angerlymorning for me to come out to the hall. "I think they already did." I said taking my sandwich out to the hall with me.
"Guess what a little birdie told me." Jay said to me as I took a bite out of my sandwich. "Me and Woojae shared a bed last night." I shrugged. "Did anything happen?" Jay crosed his arms and pursed his lips. "Yes. We had a hot, steamy make out session and filmed a porno." I said with a straight face. "So nothing happened then you sarcastic asshole?" "No, nothing happened." I took another bite of my sandwich.

Okay if I quit getting distracted, I can probably (realistically) finish this book by the end of the year and maybe somebody will suggest the next type of book I should write.

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