Everyone Hates Heeji

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I walked to my homeroom and intented to move seats now that I know Woodie is in the same class as me.
I walked in and noticed Woodie pleading with the guy who sat next to me to trade seats with him. "Please! We're like best friends now!" "Did she give you a blow job or are you using her to get closer to her brother?" The boy scoffed.
I don't know this guys name but I have never liked him. "Did I say we were dating?! No! I said we're friends so can you just trade seats with me?!" Woodie pleaded. "Bro, fuck off. You don't wanna sit next to that rat faced bitch. Trust me." The boy scoffed. I stood in the doorway listening to this guy drag me through the dirt, tearing up a little.
The moment the insult left his mouth, Woodie snapped. He grapped the dude by the shirt collar and lifted him out of his seat. "Don't talk about Heeji like that! I will beat your ass. If you hate her so much then why do you have such an issue with us trading seats?! Punk!" Woodie yelled. "Fuck you bro. Take my seat. You aren't worth a fight." The guy attempted to remove Woodie's hands from his collar but he couldn't. "Man let me go!" "No. Not until you apologize for insulting Heeji." "Its not like she heard me." I cleared my throat loudly. "Thanks for all the heart felt compliments. Means a lot. I just might shout you out in my suicide note tonight." I said in a cynical tone. "Sorry Heeji." The kid sighed. "Yeah whatever prick." I rolled my eyes, walking to my desk and sitting down. "I will be letting Jay and Kiseok know about this by the way." I said as he walked off, letting Woodie have his seat. "Heeji, no. You can't do that." He seemed scared. "Would you rather me tell the principal that I'm getting bullied and tell the counciler that I'm feeling suicidal because of some dick in my homeroom class who called me a rat faced bitch?" I said sternly. "Which is it? Get your ass beat one time or get kicked out of school and screw up your future completely?" I said condescendingly.
He gave me a defeated look and slammed down into Woodie's old desk. "Hey best friend." He smiled at me, still sounding kinda mad. "Hey." I smiled back at him. "You don't seem to be very well liked around here." He frowned slightly. "I'm definitely not as popular as Jay." I sighed. "All the seniors on the softball team with me can't stand me and if the coach didn't keep such a close eye on me, they'd probably kill me." I said, giving Woodie an idea of how much people can't stand me. "Why do people hate you so much?" Woodie got wide eyed. "I don't let people use me as a means of getting close to Jay...The softball team hates me because I'm better than them and I'm only a freshman but most issues people have with me go back to Jay." "Is that why you don't want him throwing you a party?" "Kinda. He has a lot of friends that go to the parties he throws that I'm chill with but I really don't care for all the randoms that show up to parties with his name slapped on them." I explained. "So what do you wanna do for your birthday?" "I had fun last night at the restraunt. Just me and people who give a shit about me." I shrugged. "Even Kiseok hyung?" Woodie laughed. I tried not to lose it over his laugh. "Things between me and Kiseok Oppa are complicated. That's why he acts the way he does towards me." I said, remembering what Donggab said about sexual tension. "Oh." Woodie sounded oddly dissapointed.

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