Where is My Softball Bag?

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"Why am I here?" I asked my brother, ignoring Kiseok's mean scowl.
"Because Oppa loves you!" Seunghwa shouted, wrapping his arms around my neck. "But I love her more! It's my sister!" Jay yelled, squeezing my shoulders and trying to pull me away from Seunghwa."But I'm her favorite!" Hyukwoo shouted, joining in on the unwanted group hug. "She loves me more!" Kiseok joined in as well.
I was suffocating.
"She calls y'all oppa out of respect! I'm her oppa by blood so suck a dick!" Jay yelled harshly. Everyone only hugged me tighter.
"I don't love any of you right now!" I managed to choke out. They all let me go and slowly back away from me with somber faces.
Minsik suddenly squeezed his arms around me, laughing like an idiot. "I'm the only important oppa! Right Heeji?!" He yelled confidently. "You're the least important." I said plainly.
I heard him sniffle as his arms fell to his side.  "Whatever! I don't need you anyway!" He walked away from me. 
I couldn't help but crack up a little at Minsik's childish behavior. 
"You're a cheeky little 1st year, you know it?" Kiseok shook his head at me. I shrugged. "It's a hobby." I said simply, looking for my escape route.
"Jay, you shouldn't have pulled Heeji out of 1st period." Hyunjung Unnie said, approaching my brother. "Why?! Heeji! Are you failing!?" Jay got 'angry' all of the sudden. I only laughed. "Me, failing? You're hilarious." I gave my brother a cheeky smirk. 
"He is in that class with her." Hyunjung rolled her eyes at my brother's stupidity."He? Heeji! You got a boyfriend? Who do me and Kiseok need to have a talk with?" Jay raised an eyebrow at me, hitting his fist into the palm of his hand. "Hehe. Me? Have a boyfriend? Jay, you get funnier and funnier every minute." I laughed, cutting myself down a little.
Jay looked around the auditorium, sucking on his teeth, trying to figure out what Hyunjung was talking about. In all honesty, I don't even know what she's talking about.
"The one kid who transfered here, the one really into Jesus..." Hyunjung said, dropping hints for Jay.
Jay still looked lost. "The one into Jesus?" Jay repeated with an extremely contorted face. "The one you're trying to set up with you know who." Hyunjung said motioning towards me as if I didn't notice.
Jay suddenly let out the most disgusting sounding cackle humanly possible as he began literally rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off.
"Hyunjung! I don't want that thing dating my little sister!" Jay cackled even more. "Then why are you always trying to get him to talk to her?" Hyunjung sounded irritated. "Because I like it when he gets all confident and starts thinking he's hotter than everyone just because I insinuated that Heeji likes him." Jay said, sitting up and wiping tears of laughter from his face. "Jay, you're a horrible human." I said, shaking my head at my brother.
I knew what she was talking about now. "How am I a horrible human?" Jay asked me. "Leave Byungyoon alone. He might think you're serious about me liking him and dump his girlfriend for me only to find out I don't like him...at all." I griped at my brother.  "Just beat him to the punch and turn him down before anything happens. It'll be fun." Hyunjung laughed lightly. "Turning guys down is fun?" Hyukwoo looked disturbed."Alright. Bet." I said, pulling my phone out to text Byungyoon.

Text to Byungyoon
Hey, it's come to my attention that you may or may not have a crush on me. I wanna go ahead and squash this situation bud. I don't like you like that. You're my favorite Bible toter and an awesome friend. Let's keep it that way bro👌💯🔥

Lol okay bud👌💯🔥

Well that was an easy fix.
I really didn't wanna stick around much longer. I wanted to go to softball practice...well I needed to go to softball practice. Coach Lee gets really angry when we skip out on practice.
"Jay, is your car unlocked? I need to get my softball bag." I asked, getting ready to leave for Athletics. "My car is unlocked but I don't think your bag is in there..." Jay averted eye contact. "If it's not in your trunk...then where is it? I just put it in there this morning." "And I might have told Joonkyung to move everything from my trunk to his car." Jay tapped his fingers together with a guilty look in his eyes. "Joonkyung Oppa! I need to go to your car!" I hollered. "Alright." Joonkyung smiled largely.
I walked down the hall with him in awkward silence. "So what're we gonna do when we get to my car?" Joonkyung attempted to grab my hand. "Uh... You're gonna pop your trunk, I'm gonna get my softball bag out of it and I'm gonna go to practice." I said in a rather stern tone. "Is that all? You can tell me if you wanna do anything or go anywhere." Joonkyung winked at me. "Uh..." I tried not to look grossed out but I'm pretty sure I failed.
Joonkyung started laughing as we entered the parking lot. "I was just messing with you Heeji. Jay would kill me if I tried making a pass at you like that." Joonkyung told me. "I'd kill you if you made a pass at me like that." I mumbled. "What was that?" He asked me. I shook my head.
Rude is not a personality trait I possess but I have loads of other traits that when put together, they make me seem rude so I try to just bite my tongue when it comes to certain situations... Like this one. I don't find Joonkyung Oppa attractive at all because I'm sorta superficial and the fact that I'm like 2 whole inches taller than him bothers the shit out of me. I'm also very blunt and sarcastic. These 3 traits on their own arent necessarily rude but... superficial+blunt+sarcastic× dude with one undesirable trait flirting with me = rude bitch.
Joonkyung Oppa is a good guy and a decent friend of mine so I dont wanna be a bitch to him. Its just so hard when he makes innapropriate passes at me.
Why am I like this?

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