Kiseok Snooping

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I tried staying up with everyone but I couldn't. I fell asleep while Hyunjung was playing with my hair.
I woke up to the sensation of being picked up bridal style. I acted like I was still asleep though.
"Kiseok, I mean it. Put her in bed and come back down." I heard Jay say irritably.
Why couldnt Jay just take me to bed himself? He's literally setting us up. Ugh.
Kiseok layed me on my bed and jerked my comforter from underneath me. He tucked me in and I could hear him walking around my room.
I slightly opened my eyes to watch him.
He was staring at my trophy case full of medals, trophies and handshake photos from my softball summer camp.
"Most dedicated. MVP. Top underclassmen. #4 in the country. How can you give all of that up Heeji?" He said to himself, assuming I was asleep.
"He's acting like I have a choice." I thought to myself.
I watched him make his way to my bulliten board that was covered in pictures of me when I was younger and silly things like my first softball medal I got back in elementary school.
"Awe. Look at baby Jay playing catch with baby Heeji." He smiled, looking at the picture of Jay playing softball with me. He hated it so much but he hated me playing by myself even more. "Hmm?" I heard Kiseok hum questionably. "Is this Jay and Heeji's parents?" I had an idea of what picture he was looking at now.
It was my very first softball tournament that the team I was on won. They wanted to take a picture to celebrate.
I'm holding my very first trophy and Jay is hugging me tightly. By the look on his face, you can tell he's proud of me...But Mom and Dad...they look uninterested...distant almost. Theyre not looking at the camera or at me, not even at Jay or at each other. They aren't smiling and theyre just looking for an exit.
"Have they're parents ever looked happy?" Kiseok asked himself aloud.
I heard Kiseok shuffle around my room more and stop at desk. I wanted to roll over and see what he was doing but I couldn't. He tucked me in to fight and I couldn't move.
"Hmm...should I be nosy?" He asked himself. I could tell he was smirking. God, he gets on my nerves.
"What're you hiding Park Heeji?" He said sitting down at my desk. "Oh dear God. Where did I leave my diary?" I asled myself in terror.
I hadn't written in my diary in a long time but I kniw the last time I wrote in it, I wrote about how big of a crush I had on Kiseok.
I wanna say I'm over it but according to Donggab, I'm not and theres sexual tension between us. I guess I still kinda have feelings for him but theyre more physical than anything. Then again, so is the crush I developed on Woodie. I still don't even know his real name.
"Hmm I better not. I don't want her being mad at me." I heard him stand up and walk over to my bed.
I felt his hand brush my hair back behind my ear. "The Park Heeji I know is a trooper, not a quiter. Get better soon." He told me, kissing my forehead.
I waited for my door to shut before squealing.
"But I have no choice but to quit!" I thought to myself in aggravation.
Sure my injury isn't career ending but its season ending and there's no point in me continuing if I can't finish this season.
Ugh. Why'd this have to happen to me?

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