Monday Morning

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Monday Morning rolled around and I was excited to walk around school with my head held high and to start training for the tournament.

I rushed Jay to get ready and get me to school early.

I usually didn't go to morning practice because that's when seniors helped middle school kids on the field but I just had to show Coach Lee that I was okay and show Dasom that she doesn't know how to finish what she she started.

I walked onto the field with a big smile on my face. I yelled for Coach Lee and she turned around and her mouth fell open. "You're okay!" She shouted.  I smiled larger as everyone else turned to look at me. "It takes more to keep me down." I laughed, looking in Dasom's direction.

I couldn't believe she hadn't been kicked yet.

She looked irritated as she walked over to me. "Heeji." She said with a fake smile, pretending to be happy to see me.  As she approached me, all of the other seniors started whispering to each other. "So happy your back." She hugged me. "I happy to be back." I matched her fake as fuck happy tone. "I don't know what you think you're doing but you need to stop it." She whispered in my ear. "I need to stop being happy about the fact that you failed at getting me kicked out of the tournament?" I whispered back to her. I heard her suck on her teeth and I saw Coach Lee walking over to us. We had been hugging a bit to long at this point for girls who just got into a fight a couple days ago. 

Dasom let out a ragged breath and let me go. I saw that Coach Lee stopped walking towards us and turned around.

Dasom took about 5 steps away from me then jerked around to look at me. "Just in case it wasn't clear on your birthday, I hate you." She hissed. "My nose might still be sore and my eyes are purple under all this makeup but I don't think you made it clear enough." I said sarcastically. Dasom clenched her fist and her jaw. She began breathing heavy. She was actually trying to control her temper. "Don't worry Dasom. The feeling is mutual." I smiled and turned my back towards her. 

There was at most 20 feet of space between us when I heard her running my way. I quickly jerked my body out of her path and she nose dived into the dirt. I looked at her almost in disbelief. 

Coach Lee marched over to her and jerked her off of the ground by the ear. "Unbelievable! You didn't get all of that bullshit out of your system yet?! You are out of here!" Coach Lee dragged her off of the feild and I walked away with just a little dust on my shoes.

Everyone glared at me. 

I walked to my first period and looked at the guy who called me a rat faced bitch with disgust. I sat in my desk and pulled my notebook out, waiting for Woodie. There was a group of girls in the front of the classroom whispering to each other and looking back at me occasionally. I ignored it until one of them got up and walked to my desk. "Didn't Dasom Unnie almost kill you?" The girl asked casually. "She tried." I shrugged my shoulders. It really wasn't anybody else's business but I'm sure Dasom went around gloating about how she roughed me up. "Didn't you bribe Coach Lee to giver her spot on the national team too?" "Haha Dasom was nowhere near being on that team. I earned my spot at the top and she earned her spot at the bottom." I chuckled at the idea of Dasom going around telling everyone she was supposed to be #4 in the country. "Didn't you also tell Jay to cheat on her last year?" "Two things. One, what would I have to gain from telling him some dumb shit like that and two, do you know how to mind your own business?" I asked, calmly. She rolled her eyes and walked off with her arms crossed.

As she sat down Woodie came into the classroom and sat down next to me, just smiling his best smile. "You okay?" I asked him. He nodded, not letting his smile let up. "Just happy that you're okay." She said simply.

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