Ships and Confessions

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As I put my phone on the charger, I noticed that I had text from Kiseok.

So when are you gonna be ready for me to sneak into your room?

What the actual fuck Kiseok?

I thought my name was Zaddy

Excuse me while I kill myself

Lol no wtf

That's not what a little birdie told me

Well your little birdie is mistaken

I am sweating, oh my lord.

Is that so?

Yes it is so
Who calls another person 'zaddy' anyway

Let me come up to your room and I'll point a finger

You're not gonna come up to my room
Youre to afraid of what Jay what Jay would do

Hed never know
He stays in your parents room when theyre away and id just say I'm crashing in his room

Seunghwa would snitch

Lol Seunghwa ships us
He wouldn't snitch

Okay but who shops their friends?

A lot of people
I ship us
Seunghwa ships us
Hyukwoo ships you and Minsik
Woodie ships You and him lol
Jessi either ships you with Minsik or Donggab
And Jay ships you with a chastity belt

Dear Lord
I have so many questions

Shall I come up to answer them?😛😛

No you may not

There was a loud knock on my door.

"To bad." I heard a low, raspy, teasing voice. I gulped, entertaining the idea of letting me in. I got out of bed and clicked the lock on my door, keeping him from letting himself in. "Heeji. Come on. Im sleepy." He said with his voice still low and teasing. I was only lowkey quaking. "N-no." I forced myself to not let him in. "You okay? Your voice sounds shaky." He said in a teasing tone. I took a sharp breath in, trying to calm myself. "I can hear your ragged breathing. Just let me in." "No." "Why not?" "" I whined, wanting to open my door but knowing I shouldn't. "Heeji, do you like me?" He asked suddenly through my door.
I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was being serious. "Im not you like me?" I answered truthfully. "I'm not sure either. Can you please let me in?" I took a deep breath and clicked the lock on my door back and forth, fighting with myself.
I clicked it so that it was unlocked and before I could click it back, Kiseok forced himself into my room and shut it behind him.
"You sure are spoiled for having a lock on your bedroom door." His said to me, visibly tired.
"So me and Donggab talked about you recently." Kiseok told me. "All good things I hope." I said, remembering me and Donggab talking about him. "He pointed out to me that there was...tension...between us." Kiseok spoke carefully, his voice still making me weak. I swallowed hard, knowing me and Kiseok had similar conversations with Donggab.
"Tension?" I asked, pretending not to know what he was talking about as he made his way to my bed.
"Yeah tension." Kiseok got comfortable in my bed and the screenshot Byungyoon showed me rushed to the front of my thoughts and my breathing hitched briefly.
"He told me that it seemed like we were so mean to each other because neither of us really understand our feelings for one another." Kiseok chose his words carefully.
He patted my bed, asking for me to come sit with him. He was under my covers and hugging one of my pillows.
I sat on the edge of my bed, trying very very hard to control my breathing. "And do you think that's what it is? We just don't know how we feel so we're mean to each other?" "I'm not really sure. In all honesty... For awhile I really did just wanna smash but I got to know you, the more confused I got about my feelings. I am a fuck boy. It is who I am but when youre around I don't care about anyone else but it's just my nature to play with other girls emotions so I can't really tell if I actually like you." Kiseok was extremely blunt and honest with me and I appreciated that. I nodded. "Heeji, lay down with me." He said in a slightly aggitated voice. I didn't want to honestly with all the talk of tension and feelings and smashing...but I did. I layed down in my own bed, afraid of getting to comfortable.
Kiseok moved the pillow he was holding onto to and replaced it with me. He rested his arm over my stomach and tucked my head under his chin. My face was beat red and I was barely breathing.
"I was thinking we could test Donggab's theory a little bit." Kiseok said, his deep voice trailing off ever so slightly. "H-h-how would we test it?" I choked on my words.
At first he didnt speak and only pulled me closer to him. "Hmm." Kiseok's throat vibrated against the side of my face as he hummed. "Well we could kiss...we could do more...whatever youre comfortable with." He said plainly, as if it wasn't a big deal. "Can I be honest with you?" I asked shyly. "I expect nothing less." He laughed. "I've never kissed anyone." I admitted.
Kiseok sat up from his position and looked down at me. "Really?" He was clearly shocked. I nodded. "Would you be okay with me changing that?" "Just to see if theres tension?" I asked apprehensivly. Kiseok nodded.
I took a very deep, very laboured breath in and exhaled slowly. "Okay." I said quietly, sitting up just like him.
Kiseok, without hesitation, grabbed my chin, leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine and my cheeks began to burn. Kiseok began moving his lips and I followed his lead.
Kiseok seemed far more gentle than I had imagined him being. I guess it was because I told him I had no prior experience.
He eventually pulled away and he smirked at me. "What?" I asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed.  "Your cheeks are really red and it's cute." He teased me. I turned my face away from him timidly. "So what'd you think?" He asked me. "It was nice...I think my expectations were to high though." I admitted. "Me too actually." Kiseok said immidiatly. "I suppose I just wanna smash." He laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's great to know." I rolled my eyes. "I guess my attraction was mostly physical too." I admitted. "Well isn't it a relief to know you can stop stressing about me?" "Yeah." I sighed, more comfortably, laying back down with my back Kiseok. "I'm still gonna tease you though." Kiseok kissed the back of my neck, making me squeal from shock before laying down with me, pressing his body against mine.

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