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The party had started and anybody who was anybody in Jays extended circle of friends was there along with every pretty girl that just wanted some clout. My teammates showed up to my surprise.
I was in the living room, mingling when the walked in and I greeted them enthusiastically. "Woah Heeji. Nobody told me you had such a nice body." Umji laughed, hugging me. "Watch it. She's 12." #6 joked. "Well there's alcohol literally everywhere and if you want sushi, there's a half naked girl on my counter top covered in it. Help yourself to the pool and Enjoy the party." I told them before returning to my mingling.
I was actually having a good time. Why hasn't I gone to one of Jays parties sooner? I talked with everyone and everyone congratulated me on 2 wins in a row. I danced a lot with Jessi mostly because I was low-key scared to dance with anyone else. Jessi was like the sister I always wanted and I felt secure when she was around so I wasn't afraid to look stupid.
Eventually Minsik cut in with a red solo cup in one hand and a juice box in another. He handed me the juice box and started dancing. I reluctantly  went along with it, looking over at Jessi who made a quick and  subtle 👉👌 motion and walked off leaving me with no security. Minsik got a little to touchy for my liking and I calmly excused myself. I walked outside and there were girls in the pool with guys just gawking at them. Jessi found me out there and questioned why I wasn't in my room, getting layed yet. My cheeks got pink. "He grabbed my hip and I paniced." I told her. "Your hip? You mean he did this?" Jessi put her hand on my hip and squirmed away from her. "Yes. Okay don't judge me." "You are such a virgin." Jessi laughed at me. "You need a drink." She said to me. "Minsik got me a juice so I'm good." I told her. "Something stronger." Jessi rolled her eyes at me as I shook my head. "Go get a drink before I get you one." Jessi persisted. "No I'm not drinking." I also persisted. "If someone that you like touches you and you freak out again I want you to have one drink to loosen up." Jessi held a finger in my face as she spoke before walking off. I looked into the pool and saw Umji swimming around. I don't know why but I couldn't quit staring at her. Of course she saw me and she got out of the water, grabbed a towel and walked over to me. "Great party huh?" She asked, all smiles as she dried off. I nodded, still staring at her. "You okay?" I nodded again. I felt like I couldn't talk. I felt shy for some reason. "You wanna get a drink with me?" "Oh um...i don't drink." I said, taking a sip out of my juice box like a 12 year old. "Well come with me anyway." She smiled, taking me by the wrist to the kitchen. I leaned against the fridge as Umji fixed herself a drink, just staring at her. I couldn't look away. I felt funny, looking at her. "Are you sure you're okay Heeji?" "Yeah I'm fine." I said weakly. Umjis looked at the girl with sushi all over her body and shrugged. "Can we talk for a minute in private?" Umji asked me and I nodded. Without much thought of our current situation, I took her up to my room. I went up in front of her to try and calm myself down and figure out why I'm staring at her so much and why I feel so awkward. Umji walked around my room a little before putting her towel down on my desk chair. "Heeji I have a kinda personal question for you." "Okay." My throat felt tight and my voice cracked. "Do you like girls?" Umji asked me without hesitation. My eyes grew wide at her question. "I'm not really sure." I said shyly, leaning against my door. When I looked up, Umji was directly in front of me and I felt a knot form in my stomach.
Without a word, Umji left my head up by the chin and kissed me. She had alcohol on her breath and the kiss was a lot like my kiss with Kiseok. I enjoyed it and I felt something there but it didn't feel like much. "Unnie are you..." "I'm bi. Let me know what you are tomorrow." Umji smirked at me before exiting my room.
To a degree I feel played with.
I enjoyed it but it felt empty.
I went back downstairs and looked for Jay. 
"I need to drink." I told him when I found him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Something happened and I just don't wanna think about it right now." I didn't really feel like telling my protective brother that I kissed a girl and was confused about my sexuality. Jay excused himself from the group of people he was with and took me to the kitchen. He got a green bottle out of the fridge and handed it to me. "You can't go wrong with soju." He smiled to himself, opening the bottle for me.
I took it from him and took a sip of it. It wasn't bad but it seemed weird drinking, just like it seemed weird kissing Umji.

Author's Note
Lmao fun fact
That's basically how I found out I'm bisexual😛😛

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