After the Party

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I returned to the party, now looking for Jessi. I found her dancing alone, surrounded by guys and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the party. "Are you Okay? Your face is so red." She looked concerned. "Uhm." I sighed my deepest sigh and avoided eye contact very breifly. "Woah how do I say this?" I combed my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out how to tell Jessi what happened. "Okay so my captain, Umji, dunno if you know her...shes real nice...a real good leader...uhm...yeah, Me and her just kissed and I drank a bottle of soju." I blurted out finally. "You kissed a girl and drank. I cannot leave you alone for 20 minutes." Jessi laughed. "I don't know what the fuck I am. I'm confused. I feel tingly and giddy but used and played at the same time. Kissing her was just like kissing Kiseok." I felt slightly panicked. "Ease up Heeji. There's nothing to worry about." Jessi said to me, squeezing my shoulders. "Maybe alcohol wasn't a good idea for you." "You told me if a person I liked touched me and I got nervous to drink something." I reminded Jessi of her advice. "You had a new experience and didn't know how to feel about it then you went and drank and now the alcohol is creeping up on you, making you really emotional...Maybe you just need to go lay down." "I wanna have fun though." "Then have fun." Jessi shrugged, pulling me onto the dancefloor.
Me and Jessi began dancing together again and I felt calmer. I was still a ball of nerves but for the most part, I had mellowed out on the surface.
Woodie eventually found me dancing with Jessi and joined us, not like Minsik who cut in but in a more friendly way. He was just there, chilling next to us, having a good time. It made me relax more and temporarily forget why I was so on edge minutes ago.
Shortly after Woodie joined us, Jessi left once again with a now less than subtle 👉👌 signal and I started feeling nervous again. "Jay told me you drank." Woodie shouted over the music. "Yeah... I needed to not think about something and loosen up a bit. Gucci Goddess's orders." I shrugged. "Are you okay?" Woodie looked concerned once I got past his round rim shades and thick lips. "Yeah I'm fine. I'll tell you about it later." I told him with a reassuring smile that I totally faked.
Me and him danced and danced and danced.
It was 3 am when the party started to chill out. Most of the people already left expect for Jays close circle of friends. The alcohol that I drank had now worn off and I was feeling sleepy but didn't wanna go to sleep.
Woodie had sneaked me upstairs and into my room.
He proceeded to tuck me into bed and tell me to go to sleep over and over again. "I am a party animal and will do no such thing." I told him in a very stiff and asserting tone then I yawned obnoxiously. "This was the first party you have been to in your life and half of it you spent bugging out and the other half dancing with me." Woodie laughed. "True...but it was amazing." "What was it that had you so shook?" "Oh uhm...Umji kissed me and I'm confused now." I felt myself turn pink a little bit. "Confused about what?" "Well when she kissed me, it felt a lit like when me and Kiseok kissed." I explained everything to him. "I know I shouldn't make choices for you but it sounds to me like you're bi." Woodie shrugged. "I just don't know. I never really thought about it and she just did it and I had no problem with it other than feeling used." I made a rather bewildered face as I thought back upon that glorious moment. "I wouldn't lose any sleep over it Heeji. You've got plenty of time to figure out who you are." Woodie squeezed my shoulder then told me goodnight, leaving my room.

Woodie's POV
I told Heeji goodnight and walked out of her room. As I gently shut her door, Jessi scared me. "So did y'all smash?" She asked me abruptly. "No." I answered truthfully without hesitation even though I entertainer the idea of saying yes. "And why not?" Jessi seemed mad for some reason. "Because it's 2018 and I'm respecting women." I said firmly. "How's she feeling about her kiss with Umji?" "Used and confused." I sighed. "I wish she'd know that it's okay not to know something." Jessi sighed. I nodded in agreement. "She's just such a know-it-all, worry wart. She's so uptight and just needs to learn to take a breath once in awhile." Jessi crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "She seems like she's starting to mellow out. Or at least she was until that kiss happened." I copied Jessi. "I'm sure she'll be okay. I just want the best for her. That's my kid." I laughed at Jessi's comment.

Heeji's POV
In the morning I woke up to a text from #5 saying we had practice in the afternoon at my feild.
"They must be staying at a hotel. We've been having practice here a lot lately." I shrugged, texting her back to let her know I knew about practice.
I walked downstairs and saw Jay and Kiseok passed out on the couch together, surrounded by trash.
I gently shook Jay awake and asked him if he needed help cleaning up. "Nah. I'm not gonna worry about it right now . Have you heard from Mom and Dad like at all since they left last?" Jay asked, stretching and yawning. I shook my head. They'd been gone close to 2 months now which wasn't weird but we hadn't heard from them at all.
"I'll try calling them in a little bit. Go do whatever and don't worry about the mess." Jay told me. As I walked back to the stairs Jay stopped me. "So I heard about your kiss with Umji." "Yeah that happened. I'm still thinking about how I feel." I said simply.

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