Hit Me Up

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Jay and I walked into my favorite ramen shop to discover that Seunghwa had reserved a private room in the back for us to celebrate my achievement.
We were escorted to the private room by a waiter and we were greeted by all of Jay's friends.
"Heeji! I saved you a seat!" Woodie cheered, patting the chair next to him.
I gulped to myself, turning kinda pink.
As I sat down, I noticed that Jay and Seunghwa were exchanging mischevious grins towards each other and questionable winks in mine and Woodie's direction.
I immidiatly scowled at them and shook my head.
"So Miss #4 in the country...when's your first game?" Hyunjung asked me, stealing my attention from my two wanna be match makers. "Its in a couple weeks. Coach Lee said she's arranging a scrimage match against everyone else on the international team since they all go to the same school." "Wow. All from the same school? You thinking about transferring there so you can be with people of your caliber?" Hyukwoo asked me.
I hadn't thought about that. It might be a good call since nobody on my team really likes me and I do out rank them quite a bit. Only 5 other girls on my team ranked at the training camp and they were in the bottom of the 3rd quartile.
"I dunno. It's to soon to say... Plus their school is all the way in Daegu. That'd be a long commute every morning." I said, trying to choose my words very carefully.
"You're not transferring." Jay said sternly. "Uh...youre not mom or dad. If I wanna transfer, theyre not gonna think twice about it." I snapped slightly. "I don't want you to transfer." Jay said in a softer tone. "Why do you care? You graduate this year." "I can't keep tabs on you if you transfer schools." "You don't need to keep tabs on me all the time. Youre treating me like I have no sense." I huffed harshly.
Jay started giggling as everyone was trying hard to ignore our sibling feud.
"You're so cute when you're angry." Jay laughed. My teeth clenched and my eyebrow twitched while my I balled my fist up. "One of these days... I'm gonna deck you in the throat." I told Jay calmly. "Look at her! Shes so cuuuute!" Seunghwa said in a baby voice. "Ugh whatever. I'm ready to order." I rolled my eyes. "I ordered for you. Chicken ramen with extra garlic and no veggies, right?" Hyukwoo said to me. "Yeah...how'd you know that's what I order?" I asked, slightly rattled. "We've only eaten here with you like a bazillion times." Kiseok rolled his eyes at me. "Roll those eyes again! You might find a brain up there!" I yelled at Kiseok.
Kiseok plunged his hand into his drink and grabbed an ice cube. He chunked it at me and I hit it away with my palm, making it land in his lap. "Maybe you should quit softball and play volleyball." Kiseok laughed at me. "I do play volleyball." I rolled my eyes. "RolL tHOse EyEs AGaiN! yOU MiGhT fINd a BRaIN uP THeRe!" Kiseok mocked me. "Catch these hands." I said raising my fists in a taunting manner at Kiseok. "Calm down fiesty pants." Woodie said taking my hands and lowering them. "I just really need to hit something." I gritted my teeth at Kiseok. "You can hit me if you'd like." Woodie said, turning his body towards mine and patting his chest confidently.
Jay leaned over and whispered something in Seunghwa's ear again and they both giggled. "Secrets don't make friends Oppa." I said in a childish tone.  "And neither do you." Kiseok taunted me. "Why are you so mean?" I pouted. "Sexual tension." Donggab said between coughs.
I gripped the edges of my seat until my knuckles turned white.
With his body still facing me, Woodie took my balled up fist and placed it over his left pec. "Right there. Hit me right here." "I'm not hitting you." "But you're frustrated and you dont need to get into a fight." "I'm not hitting you." "How about you hit me up?" Woodie smirked confidently then giggled a little as my face turned beat red at his smooth as fuck comment.
"Dang. After that, you need to hit him up." Hyukwoo laughed, agreeing with me that that was smooth as fuck. "I didn't think that'd work as well as it did. Damn." Kiseok said, leaning back in his chair with a smug smile.
"I'm not talking to any of you for the rest of the night." I said, hanging my head in defeat. "You really are kinda cute when you're angry Heeji." Byungyoon giggled slightly. "I will fast ball an ice cube into your face. Youre supposed to be on my side." I pouted at Byungyoon. "So...about hitting me up..." Woodie said casually. "Okay. Fine." I broke down and wrote my number on his hand. "Do you approve of this?" I asked in a condescending tone, showing Jay Woodie's hand with my number scribbled on it. "Yes. Yes I do." Jay smiled at me cheekily.
Our food arrived and everyone was curious about softball and how I planned on keeping up with school while traveling for the tournament. "It shouldnt be that hard. I'm smart. I can teach everything to myself." I shrugged, not really worried about my grades.
While we were talking, my phone rang and an unknown number was trying to call me. "Ill be right back guys." I said, excusing myself to take the call.
"Hello?" "Is this Park Heeji?" "Yes ma'am. May I ask who is speaking?" "My name is Kwon Umji. We went to that training camp together over the sunmer. Do you remember me?"
Shit. This girl ranked #1. She's an all around beast and intimidated the crap outta me during our training camp. I wish I didn't remember her.
"Oh Umji Unnie, hey." I cheered, trying not sound as scared as I actually was.

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