Before the Party

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I couldn't get the thought of Minsik possibly knowing I night wanna smash out of my head while eating with him.
He talked and talked and talked and I listened. In all honesty, I preferred listening over talking so this was nice. He talked about his music and how he felt like everyone was really starting to take off and how excited it made him.
He then transitioned into asking lots of questions about softball like the rules and different positions and if controlling the whole game as a pitcher was stressful or not.
"Of course it is. The whole game resting on how I decide to throw a ball is crazy stressful and being the youngest on the field doesn't help much either. Feeling like I pushed one of my unnies out of her place is pretty rough too." Minsik gave me a questionable look. "#2 On the team played pitcher. Granted it was her second position, she's a pitcher ranked before me and as much as everyone assures me I didn't, I feel like I robbed her." Minsik took a deep breath in and looked like he was searching for words.
"I'm sure things will work out." He said simply. "I suppose." I sighed, sinking into my chair. "I mean, isn't kinda silly to feel that way when you're a pitcher first and she's not. Sure she out ranks you but you do it better." Minsik added on. "Yeah I guess so."
We finished eating and Minsik drove me to my house.
I looked at my house where the party hasn't started yet and thought about if I really wanted to attend it. "You could just stay in your room with someone to keep you company." Minsik shrugged smoothly. I tried very hard to hold back a smile. "Like who?" I asked cooly. "I dunno...whoever you wanted...preferably me." "Jay would kill you." I laughed a little bit. "Oh well." Minsik shrugged. "I think I'm gonna actually attend this one."
I walked inside of my house with Minsik following closely behind me. I walked upstairs and to my room. Minsik practically forced himself inside. "Uh no sir." I pointed out into the hallway, scolding him. "C'mon. I've never seen your room before." I didn't let up and began tapping my foot. Minsik threw is head back and groaned, marching into the hallway. I shut my door behind him and texted Jessi.

Gucci Goddess

Hey what should I wear tonight?

How about Jean shorts over your bikini bottoms, your bikini top and a flowery beach wrap?

Omg Jay would kill me
I'm not trying to die

Lmao he'll be to wasted to worry about you

Are you sure?

Do you wanna get layed or not,

What is wrong with you?

Just trust me

I probably shouldn't but I will

I followed Jessi's advice and wrote what she told me. I changed clothes and told Minsik he could come in. "Woah. Somebody's getting layed tonight." Minsik laughed, Making my cheeks turn red. "Jessi is a bad influence." I sighed. "Haha I like it. You look good." Minsik smiled at me, sitting on my bed.
Last time a guy sat on my bed, I got kissed, heartbroken and spooned, in that order.
I thought about Kiseok even though I really didn't want to and got sad at the thought of him just wanting to smash.
I quickly moved to my desk, putting my back to Minsik while I collected myself.
"Kiseok isn't sad about me so I shouldn't be sad about him." I thought to myself over and over again.
"Heeji, you okay?" Minsik called out to me. "Yeah. Just confused about some stuff." I sighed. "Like what?" Minsik sounded genuinely concerned. "Why I'm so popular." I said in a cynical tone. "Well you're really smart, really good at sports and you're really pretty. I'm sure Jay has a lot to do with it but I think if he weren't in the picture people would still be drawn to you." Minsik sounded so genuine. It made me smile.
Minsiks phone buzzed and he looked at his screen. "Well I gotta go. Boss man calls. You're not drinking tonight?" "Its kind of illegal." I sneered. Minsik laughed and hugged me while I was sitting at my desk.
He walked out of my room and my head dropped onto my desk. "He called me pretty." I sighed happily.

Are you home yet?

I looked at my phone, shocked by the sudden vibration.

Yeah I'm in my room why?

Woodie never answered me. I hope he's okay.

I moved my desk chair to the center of my room and began spinning.
I spun for quite some time when my door was suddenly opened. I stopped and tried straightening myself out but I was to dizzy. "You okay Heeji?" I heard Woodie laughing. "I think so." I made the mistake of trying to stand up and I fell onto the floor. "Ow." I groaned, feeling a set of arms wrap around me and lift me off of the ground. "You should be careful." Woodie laughed again. "Your text scared me." I said to him, starting to recover from all my spinning. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you before the party started. I wanted to talk to you after the game but I started feeling sick." "Are you okay now?" "Yeah I think it was just something I ate." "Well what's up?" I asked, trying to stand up but Woodie only tightened his grip on my arms. "Are you sure you're not dizzy anymore?" "Yes." I nodded.
Woodie stood up first then helped me up. "I wanted to congratulate you on winning." Woodie smiled at me. "I also wanted to see if you were gonna attend the party or not." "I planned on it." I shrugged. "I don't think I'm gonna drink though." "Me too." "Really?" "Well I wouldn't wanna forget you at a party. I've heard it's a rare sight." Woodie laughed again. "This'll be a first." I laughed sheepishly.

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