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I went back to Jessi's place after school and after practice, ready to take a shower. I walked straight to her place without talking to anyone. As I was looking through playlist on my phone, Jay called me.
"Hey, I know I was distracted by you and Woodie, of all people, sharing a bed but I meant to tell you that things cooled off last night. Mom made a big girl decision and is gonna get her shit together before attempting to be around us for awhile." "What about Dad?" "She's gonna try to get a hold of some lawyers and try to work some kind of deal out...but you can come back to the house whenever you want. I tried finding you after practice to let you know in person but couldn't find you." "No big deal. Who all is coming to the game tomorrow?" "I imagine everyone. "Okay. I love you Jaebum." "Love you too Heeji." Jay hung up and I hopped in the shower with a mix of pop punk classics blaring throughout Jessi's appartment.
I got out and got dressed and packed my things.
As I was about to walk out of Jessi's apartment, I realised I didn't have a ride home and it was really to far of a walk. "Hmm who could I call?" I scrolled through my phone, not really wanting to bother Jae.
As I was about to make a desicion, Woojae called me.
"Heeji, what are you doing right now?" "Looking for a ride home from Jessi's place. What about you?" "I'm working on some music with a friend and we're getting ready to go to a cafe. Would you like to come with us?" "I wouldn't wanna third wheel yall." "It's no problem. Really." "Well then sure."
I awaited Woojae and his friend that he never named.
Shortly after our conversation, I heard a knock on the door. I opened up and it was Woojae, looking like a snacc. "Comfy?" He laughed at me. I had sweats and a baggy t-shirt on and my hair was in a sloppy ponytail. "Yeah kinda." Woojae took my over night bags from me and walked me outside where I noticed a very tall guy with bright green hair and a similar style to Woojae's. "Heeji, this is my best friend Zilla." "Zilla? It's nice to meet you." I bowed to him. "You too. So you're the softball goddess everyone is buzzing about?" "Haha yeah." My cheeks flushed a little bit. "I'm not that into sports but you're a pretty big deal so I had to meet you and try to get free food out of you." He smiled and laughed. I laughed too, ignoring the fact that he was only interested in using me for food.
Zilla drove us to a small cafe and we ate dinner there.
While we were eating, Jay called me.
"Yes?" "Where are you? Me and Jessi are worried." "I'm at a cafe downtown." "With who?" "Woojae and his friend Zilla." "Zilla? Big tall dude with crazy green hair and a daddy kink?" "I don't know about that but yes." "You could have let us know you were going out." "I'm sorry I'm not a 10 year old." "Lose that additude before you come home!" Jay hung up on me in a hurry. "Your dad?" Zilla asked me. "My older brother." I rolled my eyes. "This is Jay Hyung's little sister." Woojae told Zilla. "Wow, y'all are really diffrent." "Yeah, just a little bit." I smiled down at the table. "So how long have you and Woodie been dating?" Zilla asked me. I choked on air and my eyes got wide. "Hyung. We aren't dating." Woojae said, his voice matching my surprise. "Yet." Zilla said as our waiter came to check on us.
"No hyung, we aren't dating, period." "Then why does she call you Woojae instead of Woodie? Nobody calls you Woojae except your momma." Zilla smiled at the latter. My cheeks were burning. I knew me and Woojae had feeling for eachother but we'd never really acknowledged them with eachother. "I dunno. I just wanted Heeji to call me Woojae." "Cause you have feelings for her?" "No!" Woojae whined.
Zilla and Woojae bickered back and forth until a little girl approached our table, causing them to hush. "Excuse me but are you Park Heeji, #4 on South Korea's youth softball team?" This girl had to have been no older than 10. "Yes I am. How can I help you?" "Do you think I could get your autograph?" I smiled ear to ear and nodded.
She handed me a notebook, already opened to a clean page and green pen. "Ooo greens my favorite color." I said, while signing her notebook. "You're my favorite player on the team. I wanna be just like you when I get older." "What's your name?" "Kwon Jiwoo." "Well Jiwoo, I hope to see you at our game in Daegu tommorow. It was great meeting you." I smiled to her and she ran off with a big smile.
"Pfft yeah you're not famous." Woojae laughed at me. "So green is your favorite color?" Zilla smirked at me, messing with his hair. "Back off hyung." Woojae griped. "I thought you didn't have feelings for her. What'd the big deal?" Zilla laughed.

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