International Tournament?

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I stayed in the studio, actually kind of having a good time.
I got to know Woodie a little bit better and may I just say that I'm totally smitten.
Haha just kidding. I wouldn't say totally smitten but he is pretty chill and very cute.
He has really cool hair.
He's a good dancer too.
That jaw is hella sculpted.
He's an actual melanin king.
He has the most adorable laugh ever.

As we were all chilling together, I got a text from my softball coach.

All of my ranked players need to meet at the field this evening at 6 for a meeting to discuss practice for the upcoming international tournament.

Oh my God. International tournament?

And by all of my ranked players, I mean Heeji and by meet at the field, I mean meet me in my office. Lol

Don't do this to me coach.

How come all of you expect Heeji actually suck?

You're an adult. Please stop.

Jk I love all of you very beautiful and talented young ladies.

I feel the love.

I suddenly understand why so many people on my team hate me. Coach Lee does them dirty just because I'm the only ranked player on our team.
I laughed at the text regardless of how much shit my teammates were gonna put me through because of it.
"Guess who has to go talk to their coach about competing in an international tournament." I smirked, feeling low-key (high key) cocky.
"That's lit fam." Woodie said, trying to give me a complex hand shake. My wrist went limp as he tried showing me what to do. He smiled cutely and grabbed my wrist, guiding me through the handshake slowly.
"What time do you need to go see your dragon lady of a coach?" Jay asked me. I laughed at his comment. "Six." I said, still kinda laughing.
I looked at the clock and it was 5:45.
"Can you drive me Oppa?" "Yeah." Jay, Donggab, Joonkyung, Kiseok, Seunghwa and Hyukwoo all said at the same time.
Everyone but Jay laughed.
Jay glared at each of them before shoving me towards the staircase. "I swear if you like any of those dipshits, I will actually lose my mind."Jay barked at me as we got into his car.
Jay dropped me off at the field house and walked in with me.
"Heeji!" Coach Lee cheered. "And her older brother." Her enthusiasm died out a little bit.
I sat on top of the back of one of the chair in her office and leaned forward on my knees.
"You know chairs have seats for a reason right?" Jay said to me. I nodded, not moving out if my position.
"Okay Heeji, so you ranked in the top 100 at that training camp I sent all of you too last summer." "Top 10." I gave my coach a smug smile.
Top 100 wasnt a big deal to me since I'm in top 10%. Mentioning top 10 seemed more appropriate to me.
"Right, top 10...well that means you're gonna be a starting player in the upcoming International U-17 Softball Tournament. You will be representing South Korea and you will be traveling a lot and missing a lot of school. We also need to tweak your training schedule. How's your ankle feeling?" "A lot better. How are we gonna change my training schedule?" "I'm gonna be hiring a professional softball coach to help you keep up with the rest of the Korean representatives and help the rest of my girls get up to your caliber." "What about all the work Heeji is gonna miss?" Jay spoke up. "Why are you here? I'd much rather your parents be here." Coach Lee gave Jay an attitude."Well they dipped out of the country for a while." Jay gave my coach an attitude right back. "When is my first game?" I ignored my brother and coach feuding. "All the other starters go to the same school and have agreed to a scrimmage match against us this weekend so you can meet them and see what they're about. You're gonna play on our side though. Then you have your first game against Sweden in 3 weeks." "3 weeks?" My eyes got wide and my heart dropped into my stomach. "Why am I just now hearing about this?" "I alerted you as soon as I found out about it. Sweden sucks anyway. It'll be okay. Theyre literally last in the league right now." "How many teams are there?" "There are 15 teams in the league. Inintial rankings are determined by how many points each start player collected at the training camp over the summer." "What rank are we?" "South Korea is 13th. Sweden is 15th and Germany is 14th." "Who's number 1?" "Japan."
I was still trying to wrap my head around everything. I knew I was good but I never imagined I'd be playing in an international tournament or representing my country in anything.
"Ive got one last thing for you." My coach said, grabbing her keys out of her desk drawer and unlocking a cabinet right behind her desk.
She pulled a box out that was designed to look like South Korea's flag. "Park Heeji, you are number 4 and the starting pitcher for South Korea." My coach said with a proud smile as she handed me the box.
I opened it and there was a uniform with my name and rank on the back and a Korean flag embroidered on the front along with a softball sporting the name of my fair country.
"This is really happening?" "You earned it kid." Coach Lee smiled at me and patted me on the back.
"Go ahead and try the uniform on." Coach Lee said to me.
I took the box and walked into the locker room. I changed out of my shorts and t shirt and into the crisp white, red and blue uniform.
I looked in the mirror and the thought that I was a super star was strongly reinforced.

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