Bum Ankles and Disrespect

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I got my bag out of Joonkyung's trunk and thanked him. "Anything, anytime, anywhere." He winked at me. I took a deep breathe, turned away from him and cringed intensely.
I slung my gym bag containing all my softball equipment over my shoulder and began sprinting to the softball field.
As I sprinted towards the field, my clumsy ass managed to trip on air and I fell, landing kinda funky on my ankle. I stood up and put pressure on it. It hurt but I could still walk. I calmly walked on towards the field.
I walked into the locker room and said hi to my coach. "Whyre you limping?" She griped at me. "I tripped on my way over. I'm okay though." "I can't have my star athlete out on a sore ankle. Let me wrap that for you and you take it easy today." Coach Lee told me. I nodded and sat down so she could wrap my ankle up.
I sat on the bench outside, still in my school uniform, cheering everyone on during practice.
Most of my seniors appreciated it but there were a few that seemed a little put off by my cheerfulness.
After practice,  I limped through the parking lot, on my way to the main building of the school.
"Heeji! Are you okay?!" I heard a voice from across the parking lot. I looked to see Byungyoon at Jay's car. "I hurt my ankle! What're you doing?!" I yelled across the parking lot.

Text from Byungyoon
Getting ready to ditch with everyone. You wanna join?

I'm good fam. I've got a lot of note taking to do.

I've gotchu bud

I've gotchu bud

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Dont mean to sound ungrateful but did you get notes for every class? Because if not, I'm not going.

I sure did.


I said that I'm leaving for a doctor's appointment😀😀😀

You a savage🔥👏👑💯🔥

Text from Jay Oppa
Oh because Byungyoon is going, you wanna come too? You fake asf 👊💢

Hakuna your tatas
Or I won't go at all
Call me fake again
You can quadrilateral tf up💢👊👏

😂😂😂 You are my sister.
Get in Donggab's car. I honestly wasnt expecting you to come and promised all my seats to other people.

I rolled my eyes and limped towards Donggab's car.
With my bum ankle, I was struggling under the weight of my gym bag and backpack.
I felt someone grab the strap of my gym bag and I jerked around immediately, ready to fight someone. "Jesus Christ! Can I not help you?" Kiseok was standing behind me with an irritated expression. "You could announce yourself first. My God, I almost attacked you!" I hit him in the shoulder. "It wouldn't have been like a k drama if I had announced myself!" I tried not to laugh at the mention of k dramas.
Kiseok gently removed my gym bag off my shoulder and slung it over his shoulder.  He fixed his arm around my back and under my shoulder to help me walk easier. "Why does he have to be so hot and kind?" I asked myself, struggling less.
"Who's car are you riding in?" He asked as we approached everyone's vehicles. "Donggab Oppa's." I said simply. Kiseok pursed his lips at me very briefly then took on his cool composure again. 
Jay popped out of his car and looked at me and Kiseok with disapproval written all over his face. "What?" I asked, honestly confused. "No. Just...no. This isn't okay. This is anything but okay. Both of you need to stop." Jay said walking around to our side of his car. "Bro, what are you talking about." Kiseok said with his arm still wrapoed around me. "Kiseok... Hands off my little sister. Thats not okay." Jay said seriously. Kiseok gave Jay a teasing look and wrapped both of his arms around me, embracing me in a back hug. My eyes grew wide as did Jay's. "No." Jay said sternly. "Is this okay with you Heeji?" Kiseok whispered in my ear, his hot breathe moving over my skin, creating goosebumps, his nice accent and low voice ringing in my ears. My face was beat red. I could only gulp in response. Kiseok hugged me tighter. "I think she likes it Jay." Kiseok laughed cockily. "Heeji, tell him its not okay." Jay said, making intense, angry eye contact with me. "K-k-Kiseok Oppa...t- this isn't okay..." I managee to stutter out.
It really wasn't okay. Him playing with my emotions in front of everyone like that was unacceptable. (If we were alone, it be a different story but thats nobodies businesses)
"I'm sorry. We'll continue later." Kiseok whispered to me in a breathy tone, letting go of me and getting in Jay's car.
"The level of disrespect...I swear." Jay mumbled, getting his car as well. I looked in the back seat of Jay's car and saw Byungyoon laughing at me.

Text from Byungyoon
Are you okay bud? 😂😂

What is the meaning of okay?

I can't tell if hes actually into you or not.

Idk if he is or not tbh

Well...just know Jesus is the only man you can depend on.👌🙌🙏👼

Lol okay bro-ham

Donggab appeared shortly after and opened the passenger door of his car for me. I got in and buckled up immediately. Donggab got in and started the car and proceeded to pull out of the parking lot without his seat belt. At first I didn't say anything because I figured he just forgot and would rrmever shortly but we were about to be out of the school zone and he hadn't stopped to put it on yet and he was worrying me. "Oppa, are you not gonna put your seat belt on?" I said in a concerned tone. "We're just going to your house. Its not that far. Ill be okay." He said calmly. "Oppa...please out your seat belt on." I said, genuinely concerned for his safety. He looked at me through his sunglasses and his face softened a little bit. "Okay at the next stop sign, I'lll put my seatbelt on." "Thank you. Click it or ticket." I said casually. Donggab laughed lightly at my comment and did as he promised at the next stop sign.

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