just to be clear

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Standing outside of the locker room, I called Woojae to let him know I was finished.
Shortly after, a car I vaguely remembered pulled into the parking lot. The front window rolled down as one of the back doors opened. "Hey short stack!" I heard Zilla, Woojae's friend yell as Woojae approached me. "Hey. I hope you don't mind being chouffered around tonight." Woojae smiled at me, taking my hand and walking me to the car. He opened the door for me and Zilla just stared at me until Woojae got in on the other side.
"Hyung, can you not?" "She's pretty, okay? I'm sorry." Zilla laughed, turning around and pulling out of the parking lot. "You like aquariums right?" Woojae asked me. "I love them." I smiled. "Good." Woojae smiled to himself. "I heard about the interview." Zilla announced blankly. "What about it?" I asked, remembering the tragic interview. "The interviewer was being a dick because you're not from Daegu." "Yeah that's about it." "You all did great today by the way. That was a real nail biter and I don't even like softball." Zilla laughed. "Awe you came to watch me?" "Woojae forced me." "I just wanted you to have as much support as possible since Jay couldn't make it." Woojae said to me tenderly. I smiled really big and thanked him. "That last inning was crazy." Zilla said, desperately wanting to be a part of the back seat. 'Oh man. I felt so pressured on that last hit." "Aren't you like the 4th best player in the country though?" Zilla sounded confused. "Yeah but I'm the pitcher so more of my time practicing is spent on pitching instead of batting and fielding so I'm kinda weak when it comes to those things." "From what I've seen, I think you preform best under preasure." Woojae said to me. "Hey why did China forfeit against yall? I did a little reading and weren't they supposed to be crazy good." "I have no idea what that was about. It was really weird."

Zilla stopped the car. "I'll be back in an hour with dinner." Zilla said, dropping us off at the aquarium.

Me and Woojae walked around the aquarium, admiring every last fish in the building...well I was at least. Every time I looked at Woojae, he was looking at me.

There was a small tank full of those pet store fish that glow in the dark. They were under a blacklight and they were all so vibrant. "What're you doing Heeji?" Woojae asked me while I was admiring them. "I'm admiring the fish. What're you doing?" "Admiring you." He smiled at me sheepishly, crossing his arms and falling against the wall.
His comment made me smile and I quickly looked back to the fish so he wouldn't notice. "Okay they're pretty in all but they aren't that pretty. Why are you smiling so hard?" He laughed lightly. "I dunno." I shrugged, turning my back to him. "Hey Heeji. Look at me." He said casually. I turned to look at him and he snapped a picture of me. "Can this be my lockscreen?" He turned his phone around to show me the surprisingly nice candid photo of me. "I suppose. It's a nice picture." "Well I mean it's only right for a guy to have his girlfriend as his lockscreen." Woojae said nonchalantly, walking away from me. My eyes got big. My throat got tight. My heartbeat fastened. My face flushed. I was sent into a mild panic. "Excuse me?" I said grabbing his shoulder and turning him to face me. "I mean, are you okay with that?" Woojae smiled lightly and I looked down for a moment. I nodded shyly. "Oh thank God." Woojae let out a sigh of relief and grabbed his chest. " I was so scared you'd reject me." "Why would I reject you? You're thoughtful, funny, sweet and you're always there for me." "I'm not up to par compared to some of the guys you hang around with." Woojae shrugged. "Like who?" I asked as we continued go walk around. "Well...Kiseok for starters." "He's a douche." "A very hot douche." Woojae stated. "But a douche none the less." "There's Seunghwa." "He's more interested in my brother." "What about Minsik? I know for a fact he's into you also." "Eh... you've got him beat." "How so?" Woojae stepped his arm around the top of my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "Who made sure I was okay after my first time drinking?" Woojae didn't answer my qusstion. "I'll give you a hint... It wasn't Minsik." "Okay...whay Umji or Jessi? Hmm?" "Umji isn't interested in me. She only kissed me because she was drunk and Jessi is like the big sister I always wanted." "So just to be clear... You're my girlfriend now?" Woojae looked down at me through his lightly tinted frames. "And you're my boyfriend." I smiled shyly.

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