Get Lit

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Today was the day I took off to Sweden for my 1st game as a South Korean representative.

Jay took me to the donut shop before school and we had breakfast together then we got to school early so I could say my fairwells to all my friends.

As school was about to start, I jogged to the locker room and got suited up For my send off.

I gotta say in the last 2 weeks, I've gotten really comfortable with the idea of everyone in school worshipping me the way they worship Jay.

All I've heard for the last two weeks is how hyped people are to see me play and how excited they are for me. Random people stop me to talk to me in the hall and I've gotten so many confession letters in my locker.

Is this what its like to see Jay?

Coach Lee and coach Kwon hugged me in the locker room and said they'd drive me to the airport. I had to be there in an hour.

The bell rang and I began walking to the entrance of the school where is start my walk through.

Seunghwa came on the intercom and told everyone to exit their classrooms to watch me walk.

I stood and the entrance of my school which was so cold to me a month ago and now all I heard was cheering.

I took a deep breathe, straightened my uniform out a little and lowered my cap down onto my brow bone. I adjusted my softball bag a little and decided not to carry with me during my walkthrough.

I began walking down the hall smiling my best smile highfiving everyone and cheering right along with them.

This was a good feeling, everyone supporting you.

Seunghwa came over the intercom and began playing Look Alive by BlocBoy JB and I shamelessly shooted all the way down the 2nd year hallway.

"Lets get that dub Heeeeeji!!!!!" Seunghwa yelled over the intercom.

I dont think anybody in this building had ever been this hype about anything.

All I could do was smile. I didnt care about anything anymore. I was having fun. Pure unadulterated fun. Nothing could stop me. I was on top of the world.

I made down Jay's hallway and everyone had banners with my name on them and everyone was going crazy. Nobody seemed happier than Jay, Kiseok and Hyukwoo though.

I made to the end of the 3rd year hallway which was also the outdoor exit.

I cleared my throat to speak and everyone for quiet, anticipating what I had to say.

"This is the 1st if many send offs. Lets get! AOMG till I d.i.e.!!!" I shouted, making my brother proud and exiting the building.

I could hear an echo of what Seunghwa was playing and I heard Jay's voice. "I don’t care about others. All we do is hustle yeah everyday. I don’t chase money, I just do my thing. But we still get paid. Foreign whips all the chicks CEOs TV Shows. Do it all, never fall. Always summer never fall, never fall"

I remember him showing me this he did with Joonkyung and the idea of being hated and still being successful resonated with me for rather obvious reasons.

It felt good to hear that before my game.

It'll most likely be the only song I listen to until tomorrow.

We're flying there today and we okay tomorow and I just wanna get today over with.

I danced back to the locker room and was ready to go to the airport.

Coach Lee and Caich Kwon dropped me off and told me how proud they were of me. I hugged each of them, got my bags out of the trunk and ran over to Umji and her town that I had come close to in the last two weeks.

"Somebody is way litter than I expected." Umji laughed, showing me a video of my shooting down the hallway on somebody's Snapchat. I laughed with her and nodded.

We posed for pictures then were informed that wed have time to practice on the field in Stockholm and while we practiced, televised interviews would be going on.

We got on a jet and even though I grew up a rich kid, I was taken aback by how nice it was.

Everyone talked about how nervous they were to be on tv. I was just sitting back listening to everyone and letting my phone spazz and seize endlessly.

I guess Jay handed out all of my socials after my hype beast episode.

I turned my phone off and decided to rest the rest of the flight.

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