Head Ass

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Me and Donggab rode in silence until his phone started ringing. "Heeji, can you get that for me?" He asked me, raising one of his legs slightly to show me that his phone was sitting in his lap. I carefully grabbed his phone and sae that Jay was calling him. I answered and Jay immidiatly went off. "Donggab, I swear to God if you try anything with my sister I will personally beat you up. Don't make any kind of pass at her like Joonkyung said he did and don't you even think about touching her! Kiseok is already in trouble for that stupid back hug and hes got me in a bad mood. I'm not playing. You understand?" "Ill make sure Donggab Oppa behaves himself from this point forward." I tried not to laugh. "Heeji, I mean it. If he tries anything, you tell me and ill handle it. I love you. Stay safe." "Love you too bro." I hung up on Jay and gently sat Donggab's phone back in his lap. "I could hear him." Donggab laughed. "What's this about Kiseok back hugging you? I thought you were single." "I am. I think Kiseok was just using me to make Jay angry." I giggled a little. "Jay does get kinda weird about us being affectionate towards you. He almost let Byungyoon drive his car just so you didn't have to ride alone with me." "What does he think is gonna happen though? Hes acting like I can't handle things on my own." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure its just because he's seen us at parties and because you're his little sister. He just doesn't want you getting hurt by some fuckboy." Donggab said simply. "I guess...but I feel like I have enough sense to not fall for a fuckboy to begin with." I sighed, leaning my head against the window. "You just gotta be patient with him." Donggab said, gripping my leg firmly, making me tense up a bit. Donggab quickly removed his hand. "I'm sorry. That probably wasn't the best thing for me to do at the moment."
Blunt+ Sarcastic× awkward situation being made even more awkward= me needing to hold my tongue.
I didn't say anything. I wanted to but I didn't.
"How's softball going?" Donggab quickly changed the subject. "Pretty good. Coach Lee says I've got a pretty good chance of competing in an international tournament as a South Korean represenative." I boasted. "Woah. Thats pretty lit. What position do you play?" "Pitcher." I said proudly.  "Wow, so you pretty much control the game huh?" "I guess you could say that." "How good are you?" "Well I went to a training camp last year and ranked 4th in Korea's U-18 league so I'd say I'm hot shit." I wasn't trying to mask how cocky I felt at all.
I am amazing. I'm a superstar. I am the GOAT... As long as my ankle starts feeling better soon. I can't miss out on to many practices just because of a bum ankle.
We arrived at my house and I put my hand on the door handle to get out. "What do you think youre doing?" Donggab scolded me. "Huh?" Donggab got out of the car and ran around to my door, opening it for me. "Thank you." I said in a rather surprised tone. "And I thought chivalry was dead." "Its on life support." Donggab laughed lightly.
I just noticed gow charming his smile was and I caught myself blushing a little.
My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket to see a phone call from Jay.
"Yes Teddy Brosevelt?" I answered the phone. "Do not ever call me or anyone else that again." "Can do bro ham." "I hate you." "Love you too Oppa. Why'd you call me?" "I'm like 3 blocks from the house and I got a flat." Jay sighed and sounded rather agitated. "So...change it?" I suggested. "Nobody knows how! We're waiting for a mechanic." "You can't Google how to fix a flat? Head ass." "Shut up Heeji! Look, if Donggab tries anything with you, call me immidiatly and I will sprint to the house and personally beat his ass." I thought about Donggab's behavior recently and felt like he was no threat at all. "I don't think you need to worry about him trying anything brother dearest." "I'm just saying...if-" "I get it Jay." I cut my over protective brother off. "I love you Heeji." Jay said seriously. "I love you too Jaebum." I returned Jay's serious tone.
"Who calls Jay by his real name?" Donggab laughed lightly. "I do that when he gets really serious. It lets him kniw I'm serious too." "Sibling goals." Donggab laughed.
I salked to the front door and reaached for the door knob.  Donggab quickly slid in front of me and opened the door for me. "Women shouldn't have to touch doors." He said a rather awkward statement in an exceptionally cool tone. I laughed loudly at his statement. "If you say so." I giggled.
"You can make yourself comfortable on the couch... Just not the love seat. That's my spot. Help yourself to the fridge...but stay away from my juice boxes. Ill be right back." I informed Donggab of the way things opperate when Jay isn't around.
I trotted upstairs to change out of my uniform and into some more comfortable clothes. I walked into my room and undid my tie. I unbuttoned my shirt and slid my skirt off. I walked around my room in my underwear,looking for some shorts and a t-shirt that didnt smell like ass and athletics.
I finally settled for some Adidas shorts and a baggy t-shirt that definitely wasn't mine but was in my hamper.
I trotted downstairs to find Donggab sprawled out across my love seat and with one of my juice boxes in his hand.
"I gave you 2 rules... Only 2. And you had to break both of them?" I said through clentched teeth.
"I grabbed you one too and there is plenty of room here on my chest." He smirked confidently.
I pursed my lips and blinked slowly. "Head ass. Get out of my spot."

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