Author's Note (appreciative rambling)

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Okay so I didn't finish the book by the end of 2018 like I wanted.
I'm human and I got hella distracted by life... job hunting,  fighting with the DMV to get my license, figuring out where and when to take my SAT and what not.
I feel like I could end the book where it is now but I really hate endings (that's why my Lay book is like 75 chapters long).
Quite frankly, I don't want this book to be much longer. I feel like 50+ chapters seems intimidating when it comes to looking for a book to read and I don't wanna turn people off from reading my book since I've worked so hard on it. Lord I've spent 3 years with concept of this book in my head and I'm always thinking about it and tweaking it and all that jazz.
This doesn't have anything to do with the book but if like for this to be put out there... I am always open to y'all messaging me and attempting to start some sort of friendship with me or if you just need to talk to somebody about something. If there's anything going on in your life that seems like a lot or you're stressing out about something or just need to vent, I'm always open and down to talk/ help to the best of my ability☺☺☺
I'm gonna sleep on my decision but if I decide not to continue this project, I just wanna thank you for reading it and supporting it and me. It really does mean a lot to me and it really does motivate me to continue writing and improving my work. I am super appreciative and thankful for every last read this book has gotten. I'm always so scared that my books are gonna flop (I mean they all kinda did) but they almost always end up doing better than my expectations which blows my mind. I'm sure I've said similar stuff in all my other books hut when I put something out, i really never expect it to surpass 100 reads. And for the majority of my books to be sitting at 1k+ makes me so happy. I do my best to interact with y'all as much as possible which isn't that hard  since I don't get much interaction but anyways I love y'all and thank you again for the love and support.

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