SK vs. Sweden

497 18 1

Jay's point of view

Man, it's game day.
Heeji played bright and early at 8 am, her time. Itd be 3 pm here when she started playing and everyone was gonna tune in to her game all over school until it was time to go home.

I texted her when I woke up at 7 to wish her luck and she told me She was feeling so excited to play that she felt like shed actually pass out. I told her to get some rest and shed be fine.

Later on in the afternoon, around 2 o'clock, all the teachers across campus tuned their tvs into the game and it showed both teams warming up.

"It is bright and early here in Stockholm but over in Daegu, its late in the afternoon. They just flew in yesterday. Don't you think they should have been given an extra day to get used to the time change?" "Haha yes they should have but Sweden is gonna need every advantage they can get against a team like South Korea. I heard their starting pitcher is just a freshman and she can already pitch over 130 km/h." "130?! That's faster than most men! And she's only a 1st year?!" "She's got an arm on her." The announcers boasted about my sister.

We watched Sweden's pitcher practice and her fasted pitch was clocked at 95 km/h. Then Heeji practiced and her fasted was only clocked at 84 km/h. I was confused at first then quickly realized that she was hiding what she could really do from everybody. I smirked to myself, feeling proud of my sneaky little sister. Briefly I wondered if Sweden's pitcher was doing the same but Heeji looked like she was holding back and this other girl looked like she was giving it her all.

Sweden entered the field with some obscure dubstep playing behind them and and I was bored immediately.

South Korea walked onto the field with my voice ringing in my ears. "She didn't." I thought to myself as Most Hated started playing. The announcers recognized me and Joonkyung by name as the artists behind the song and my eyes went wide.

The game started and very quickly Sweden began striking out. They really were trash. It hurt to watch how badly they were playing.

It was Sweden's turn to pitch and one of our girls nearly got a home run. 

Heeji was playing out fielder and she watched the ball hit the fence, sure that it'd go over then quickly scrambled to get it to keep it from home plate. Watching everyone throw the ball around to each other, almost effortlessly, while Sweden struggled to get it away from them made me appreciate how much time and effort they all put into the sport. They really seemed to move as one.

This fiasco occurred while everyone was going home and nobody wanted to leave school just yet.

Everyone piled into my car with the game playing on the radio and we all rushed into the house to watch the rest of the game.

Two hours later and we won 8-0.

Nobody could believe how bad Sweden actually was.

After the game was over Joonkyung called me and asked if I knew Heeji was gonna do that or not. "So she just convinced everyone to let her play her big brother's music as their intro?" "I guess so. I am as shocked as you right now." "They killed it though. Why was Heeji pitching so slow?" "I guess she wants her fast balls to be a surprise. Her arm is like a cannon." "No kidding. She's thrown shit at me before and it felt like she ate some sort of devil fruit from One Piece."

AOMG High SchoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon