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Hyukwoo and Kiseok returned to the kitchen and Hyukwoo sat down next to me, watching as I crunched on my dry cereal.
"No milk?" Hyukwoo asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "Hyukwoo Oppa... you've been coming here for breakfast for how long now?" I asked, resting a hand on my brother's best friend's shoulder. "A few years now..." He answered. "A few years huh? Well by now, you should know that I don't like milk." "Who doesn't like milk though?" Hyukwoo looked genuinely disturbed. "Aliens of whatever planet Heeji came from." Jay laughed. "Ha. Ha. You're a comic genius." I rolled my eyes at Jay. "But seriously though... Heeji, you are no human being. Mom and Dad adopted you from Pluto." Jay laughed obnoxiously loud. Kiseok laughed with him. "You aren't even from a valid planet." Kiseok's deep laugh boomed, making me shiver.
I'm not gonna pretend to not be attracted to Kiseok. He is very attractive and that damn voice is what keeps the rather taboo attraction alive. If it wasn't for that deep and heavy accent, I'd see him as just another fuckboy.
Heaven forbid Jay finds out I low-key wanna bang his best friend
Returning from the planet of Kiseok's voice, I sneer at him. "At least my species is valid." I took an exaggerated bite out of my cereal.
"How do you seriously not like milk?" Hyukwoo couldn't let it go. "Do we have to talk about this?" I pouted a little. "Yes. This is gonna bother me all day. Milk is amazing!" Hyukwoo seemed slightly triggered. "Heeji was born lactose intolerant. A dribble of milk into her system and she spewed her guts out like the exorcist." Jay started. I chewed on my cereal loudly to drown him out. "As a baby she had to have powdered formula. She started school and mom and dad figured she'd outgrown what they thought was normal colic. She comes home from her first few days of school really sick, just barfing everything up. They figure she just got a stomach bug from another kid. She does have a rather weak immune system after all. Well we go see our grandparents one day and our grandma makes her this taaaaall glass of choclate milk and 4 year old Heeji chugs it. Two minutes later she hurls it all up and she complains about being sick all the time. Our parents finally broke down and took her to get tested for allergies. Sure enough, she's lactose intolerant. Problem solved. No milk, no cheese and no ice cream for little Heeji." "I've grown out of it but being sick so much because if milk has left a bad taste in my mouth." I said with my cheeks full of cereal.
"Awwwwe. Poor thing. How old were you the first time you had ice cream without getting sick?" Hyukwoo asked, squeezing me. "Fourteen" I said in a dry tone. "A year ago?" "I'll be sixteen in a literal day! It was 2 years ago!" I argued. "I thought you were gonna be 5, you little brat." Jay scoffed at me. "Shut up!" I griped.
Jay's face softened. "Guess what." He smiled at me. "Mom and Dad won't be home for your birthday. You know what that means?" Jay started smirking. "Please tell me you aren't having a crazy house party for my birthday."  "Pfft, of course not." "Thank you Jesus." "It's on Friday." Jay mumbled. "God dammit." I hung my head. "I'll make sure to invite all the hottest guys I know." Jay tried persuading me. "I'll think about it." I said, finishing my cereal.
I didn't wanna ride to school with Jay and his friends so now was my chance to try and sneak out the front door.
I put my bowl in the sink and walked to the living room to grab my backpack and gym bag. Just as I knelt down to pick it up, the front door was flung open by yet another friend of Jay's and I was hit. "Ow!" I yelled in agony.
"That's what you get for saying I'm invalid." I heard Kiseok say in an annoyed tone.
"My bad Heeji." Minsik, yet another friend of Jay's said, gently closing the door he attacked me with. "It's 7am on a Wednesday morning...there is no excuse for you to be that excited." I said, rubbing my arm. "I can't help but be a hype beast. You know that Heeji. Check out my new grill." Minsik smiled largely. I cringed. "Do you like it?" He asked me. "Your grill makes my ass itch." I said quietly, still holding my arm. "Who gave Heeji permission to be a savage?" Minsik sounded triggered. 
One last time, I tried sneaking out, walking right around Minsik.
"Where are you going?" Jay called to me as I tried to sneak out of the house. I stopped and walked back inside. "You are not walking to school when you brother has a dope ass ride." Jay jingled his car keys. I rolled my eyes. "Dope ass ride? This isn't MTV." I rolled my eyes. "Disrespectful lil shit." Minsik said to me. I bowed up at him and he flinched.
"Your tie is undone, Heeji." Hyukwoo pointed out to me. "Might wanna fix that." Kiseok said in a condescending tone.
I fiddled with my tie. It was far to early for me to function enough to tie my tie correctly. I gave up and threw my head back in pure aggravation. "O~~ppa! Help me please!" I said in a whiney tone. Everyone in the kitchen took a step towards me. "She was clearly talking to you." Hyukwoo laughed nervously. "Proceed." Kiseok's voice was shakey as he ushered Jay forward.
"Go start the car." Jay handed me his keys. "Can I drive?" I asked with hope filling my eyes. "You can sit in the passenger seat and put the key in the ignition switch." Jay said, being a total smart ass.  "You're no fun." I groaned, dragging my feet to his car.

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