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"Follow me this way" a man walked down the halls as Jason and Ian followed behind, the men entered a room with a conference table and a camera. "We'll need photos of you so that our submissive's are aware of what you look like" the man said and Jason nodded as he stood in front of the blank wall, the photographer took photos of Jason as the man smiled.

"You're a handsome one, a lot of submissive's will want you" he said. "It's Jason's first time" Ian spoke up, "you won't regret it.. a lot of dominants end up falling in love.. we will send these photos over tonight and tomorrow afternoon you will come in after we interview the submissive's that want a chance with you."

"Um okay" Jason said, "are you looking for a male or female?" "it doesn't matter" Jason shrugged and the man nodded as he wrote it down his clipboard. "Thank you for coming, we will notify you when your information is sent over" he said and Jason nodded "thank you."


"Thanks for coming with me" Jason said as Ian sat besides him, "no problem.. I just hope this makes you happy" he said and Jason smiled softly, he had hoped the same.

The Uber parked in front of Ian's loft and he stepped out of the car, waving to his best friend as Jason smiled at him. Jason sighed as he lied back against the seat, "take me to the nearest fast food restaurant" he said.

Jason had ended up spending his night getting the room ready, he had an empty room and Jason never really knew what to do with it until now. Jason changed into something comfortable as he dragged the box to the empty room, building the crib as he read the instructions carefully.

Jason painted the blue table and built the two chairs, on the center was a box of crayons and paper. Jason grabbed the toy box and threw a couple toys inside. The man took a sip out of his water bottle and looked around, he hadn't bought any clothes yet but he planned on doing so as soon as  he chooses a submissive.

Jason smiled to himself as he looked around and switched the light off before going into his own room.


"Jason McCann, thank you for coming in" the man smiled and Jason smiled nervously, Ian stood behind the man as he grinned. "My pleasure sir" he said, "we have photos of the submissive's that are interested in you" he said and Jason sat down as the man put down a very thick folder.

Jason raised a brow and Ian sat besides him as he opened the folder, each page was a photo of a submissive begging to have the man. "There's so many" Jason said, "everyone loves a rich dominant" the man chuckled. "How old are they?" Ian asked, "from eighteen to twenty three."

"Barbara was only eighteen when I met her" Ian said and Jason read each persons bio underneath their photo as he skimmed through the pages. Jason couldn't find anyone that seemed interesting, he was beginning to grow frustrated. "There's too much" he said and threw the folder on the table as Ian grabbed it.

"Close your eyes" he said and Jason rolled his eyes, "just do it.. trust me" Ian said and Jason closed his eyes. "I'm going to flip through the pages and you are going to tell me to stop.. that's your match" Ian said and Jason nodded. Jason could hear the pages flipping through quickly and his breath hitched nervously "stop" he said.

Jason opened his eyes and stared at the photo with a sigh of relief.

Justin Drew Bieber Age: 18Type: MaleInterests: loves apple sauce, approves of whipping, teasing, and toys

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Justin Drew Bieber
Age: 18
Type: Male
Interests: loves apple sauce, approves of whipping, teasing, and toys. Favorite color is blue and purple, loves art, music, shy around strangers, and gets along with others.

"Him" Jason smiled and looked up at the man, "he's the one." "I'll go grab him" the man said and grabbed the folder as Ian smiled "so what do you plan on doing first with him?" he smirked, "I'm going to take him shopping.. then show him his home" Jason said and Ian smiled as he crossed his arms.

The man soon returned with the boy, Justin as he looked down at the ground. Jason noticed his clothes were pretty old and somewhat dirty, "Justin.. this is your daddy Jason McCann" the man said and Justin looked up shyly as his eyes scanned the man's appearance.

"Come on baby boy, I'm taking you shopping" Jason said and Justin smiled as he ran into the arms of Jason McCann's.


Justin walked around the store holding a pile of clothes, Jason followed his baby boy as he walked to the changing room, "um do you want me to wait here?" he asked awkwardly. "You can come with me daddy" Justin said and Jason blushed as he followed his baby boy into the changing room.

Jason sat down and watched as Justin attempted to pull his shirt off, "daddy I need help" he whined  "oh right" Jason said and pulled Justin's shirt off slowly and carefully as the younger man blushed, Jason helped him with his pants and he watched Justin as he tried on many outfits, staring at himself in the mirror before saying a 'yes' or 'no.'

Jason was actually enjoying Justin's presence and he planned on keeping him for a very long time.


Thanks for reading cuties 💫

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