'Los Angeles'

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Justin slept peacefully in his crib as he held his teddy bear in his arms, Jason bit his lower lip as he watched over the boy in adoration. Jason knew he had to wake up Justin soon for their trip but he couldn't help but adore the sight in front of him, Jason felt very lucky and hoped that Justin will stay with him for a very long time.

Jason shook Justin's shoulder "baby boy" he said as Justin whined lazily, "get up baby we're going on an adventure and you can sleep in the jet" Jason said as Justin fluttered his eyes open "w-where are we going daddy?" "it's a surprise! Come on" Jason said and Justin rubbed his eyes before opening his arms, Jason wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and carried him out of the crib.

Justin noticed some of his things were already packed and he rubbed his eyes again as Jason changed the boy into a new pair of clothes "daddy what time is it?" Justin asked "it's almost nine, our flight should be coming in a bit so let's get going" Jason said and kissed Justin's cheek before grabbing his hand.


Justin smiled as he stepped out of the jet, they had just landed in LA and Justin slept through the whole ride, Jason handed the man a tip and turned to his baby boy "come on babe, we've got to go to our hotel now" Jason smiled and Justin stepped into the limo as Jason entered behind him. "Daddy, I'm hungry!" Justin frowned and Jason opened his bag, grabbing a cup of apple sauce as Justin jumped in excitement.

"Thank you daddy!" Justin squealed and grabbed the spoon. Jason nodded and leaned back against the seat, staring out the window as he remembers the last time he was here.

Him and Ian came to LA for vacation and that was the moment they realized that they made it, they were high paid workers that came from a small town and the moment they stepped foot on LA they knew that things were going exactly the way they wanted it.

Once Jason and Justin arrived to their hotel, Jason checked in with the front desk woman and grabbed the room card, Justin grabbed Jason's hand and followed his daddy towards the flight of stairs. "Daddy, what are we going to do?" Justin asked shyly, "first we're going to get ourselves cleaned up then go out" Jason answered "are you here for more business?" Justin questioned "nope I just wanted alone time with you" Jason smiled.

"But daddy, you didn't have to take me here" Justin said, "I know but I wanted to.. Valentine's Day is tomorrow" Jason reminded and Justin blushed "oh" he said.

"I want to make everything special" Jason said as he stopped and turned to Justin, "you deserve it" he said before kissing his cheek. "Come on, we're almost to our room" Jason said and Justin nodded, suddenly feeling quite excited for tomorrow's events, the boy had no idea what Jason was planning but Jason never failed to surprise him.

Justin closed his eyes as Jason scrubbed his head with shampoo, "daddy?" Justin said "what is it babe?" "what happened to Alexa?" Justin asked and Jason shrugged "I honestly don't know.. she never really called me or made any sort of contact with me since the trip" Jason said as he bit his lower lip, "I'm sorry I let her come between us" Jason said.

"She didn't come between us daddy, but I think she did come between you and Ian" Justin said and Jason knew that was true, while him and Justin were broken up him and Ian always hung out until he met Alexa, every time Jason wanted to hang out with Ian Alexa always told him not to and that Ian was doing better things so that she could get closer to him, Alexa always did everything in her power to keep Ian away from Jason because she was simply jealous of him and anyone that knew Jason like that.

"I know babe" Jason only said as he continued cleaning Justin up.


"Hello Jason!" A woman smiled brightly as she walked towards the man, "hello Linda! This is my boyfriend Justin, Justin this is Linda! She owns this fine restaurant" Jason smiled and Justin hid behind the man as he waved, "how cute! What brings you two to LA?" the woman laughed, "we're just here for Valentine's Day" Jason winked and the woman giggled "how romantic! Let me bring you two to your seats!" Linda grabbed two menus and lead the boys to a private area, "when you two are ready to order make sure to ring the bell!" Linda said with a grin before putting the menus on the table and leaving.

"She seems very happy" Justin said as he sat down and Jason laughed, "well.. she owns a restaurant and she's married, I'd say she's living the American Dream" Jason said as he opened his menu. "Daddy?" Justin said as Jason hummed in response, "um d-do you ever want to get married?" Justin asked as he looked down and Jason stared at the boy for a moment.

"Yeah of course" Jason said and Justin looked up at him "with who?" he couldn't help but ask and Jason laughed, "isn't it obvious?" Jason said and Justin blushed "i-I'm sorry daddy I just wasn't sure if you wanted the same thing I did" Justin said and Jason shrugged "it's okay, this topic was soon to happen anyway.. I want to marry you Justin, I promise we will get married someday but I feel like before I do that, I need to show you that you can trust me first, I want to prove to you that I am one hundred percent faithful to you, I love you baby boy and I never ever want to hurt you the way I did before.. I'd hate to lose you again, Justin you're my happiness and before I met you I was so sad because everyday felt like a repeat, my job was getting so boring and I couldn't bring myself to smile, I'd stay at my loft for hours doing nothing and life just felt pointless but when you came into my life I felt like I actually had someone to live for and you always kept me company in the best ways possible, if it weren't for you then I probably would've been doing the same thing and even more sad.. I'm not always going to count on you to make me happy, my happiness doesn't rely on you and I don't want you to feel like you HAVE to make me happy but just.. don't go, okay?" Jason said as Justin smiled, blushing as he nodded "I'd never leave you daddy! And I love you too, thank you for everything you ever did for me and in return I will stay with you" Justin said as he grabbed both of Jason's hands and Jason stared at the scars on Justin's wrists, he ran his thumb down each one softly as he grinned

"Please don't ever hurt yourself" Jason said, "I won't daddy.. I promise."


This story is coming to an end soon, ITS NOT OVER but it will be soon because I need to get started on my next story and I've been working on this for wayy to long, I think it's my longest one?? Im not sure haha.

Thanks for reading!

BTW Justin deserved the album of the year award! I'm not saying this because I'm a fan that constantly kisses his ass, he truly did deserve it because it was his comeback and it made so many number ones. Sigh. Oh well.

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