'Last night'

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Jason had woken up the next day with a killer headache, the man groaned as he rubbed his forehead and sat up. Jason looked around and searched for his boxers, Jason finally spotted them on the ground along with other clothes and he grabbed the fabric and slipped them on.

Jason grabbed his jeans and shot his head up when a woman walked in with a robe on "leaving so soon?" she said and Jason's eyes widened "y-yeah uh I have to catch my flight" he said. "Oh.. there's food in the kitchen, feel free to grab anything on your way out.. by the way you were very good last night" she giggled before leaving as Jason raised a brow and slipped on his pants and buttoned his shirt on.

Jason made sure to grab his phone and his wallet, checking if all his cards and cash were in place and lucky for the man they were safe. Jason walked into the living room to see five girls half naked as his eyes widened, "hey baby" one of them smiled. "You were amazing in bed last night.. it's a shame you're leaving" another one purred and Jason's eyes widened in realization.

He fucked every single girl in the room.

Jason rushed out of the apartment building and grabbed his phone, dialing Ian's number "hello?" Ian said "fuck! Ian where are you?!" Jason cried as he stood outside "I don't know! I-i just woke up.. I'm in an alley I think."

"okay we both meet at the hotel.. I need to shower" Jason said and hung up to call for an uber.


Jason grabbed his key card and swiped it as the door opened, he stepped into the room and Justin gasped "daddy!" he cried and ran towards Jason's arms. "Daddy! You didn't come home last night! I was worried!" Justin whimpered as he held onto Jason tightly as if he were to disappear at any moment. "I'm sorry.. Ian and I ended up drinking, I passed out at his hotel room" Jason said.

"I need to shower baby boy" Jason said and Justin nodded as he pulled away, "I love you" Jason said "I love you too daddy" Justin said and Jason walked into the bathroom to turn on the tub.

Jason stepped into the tub and sighed in relief, allowing the warm water to run down his body. Jason felt dirty and disappointed with himself, he had cheated on Justin not just with one person but with fucking five, who even knows if there were more girls in that apartment but Jason doesn't even want to know.

Jason rubbed his eyes and once he was finished in the shower he stepped out of the tub and looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes were red and that's when he realized he was crying in the shower. Jason took a deep breath and the man raised his hand, it was shaking. Jason felt so guilty, he was afraid of what Justin would do if he found out and of himself for doing such a horrible thing to an innocent boy, to the love of his life.

Jason wiped his face and cleared his throat, wrapping a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the bathroom. Amanda rushed to the bathroom and Jason grabbed a pair of boxers, "Daddy" Justin said as he walked towards Jason. "Amanda is going to shower" Justin smiled and pulled off the towel as Jason shook his head "I-I can't" he said as Justin frowned "y-you don't like me?" "What? I do baby, I love you" Jason said and sighed "okay okay," Jason removed the towel and Justin grinned as he sat on his knees.

Jason couldn't even look at Justin without feeling guilty, the man looked up at the ceiling and let out a grunt. He couldn't look at Justin so he imagined the other times they've had sex, the time he fingered the boy. Jason moaned at the sight of Justin's face when he's in pleasure, it was truly a beautiful sight that only he'd be able to see.

Justin stroked Jason's base at a faster pace while sucking on his member, Jason moaned quietly and soon found himself coming into Justin's mouth as he sighed in relief. "You're so good baby boy" Jason said as Justin stood up and smiled "you'll definitely be getting something in return when we get home" Jason winked and Justin bit his lower lip as he nodded.

Once Jason was changed and Amanda was out of the shower, they grabbed their suitcases and made their way to the hotel lobby.

Ian walked towards the group with Barbara "get in the car, I need to talk to Ian" Jason said and pulled his best friend towards the corner. "What the fuck happened last night?" Jason hissed "I don't know! I woke up in the damn alley! But I got a call today and it turns out I bought fifty pillows online so I went on to check my bank account and it turns out when I'm drunk I buy a lot of shit" Ian said and Jason was disappointed, he was hoping that he wouldn't have to go through the whole cheating thing alone.

"I-I c-cheated on Justin" Jason said as he looked down, Ian's eyes widened "oh shit.. how do you know for sure?" "I woke up with five girls and they complimented me on how good I was in bed" Jason said as tears formed in his eyes "five girls?! What the fuck! Okay first off you need to get tested" Ian said as Jason nodded "what if I caught something? Justin blew me off earlier" Jason said wide eyed "what?! Why would you let him do that?!" "I-I don't know! Okay I will get tested when we get back.. I-I just need to figure out how to tell Justin" Jason said with a sigh.

"You're the one that cheated.. man up" Ian said and walked towards the limo as Jason sighed, wiping his tears. Jason sat in the limo and Justin lied his head on the mans lap as he smiled.

Jason only smiled and leaned his head down to kiss the boy, "I love you" Jason said "I love you too daddy" Justin said as he giggled, Jason is going to miss hearing those words.


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