'Love Of My Life'

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"That stupid bitch took my uncles van! Fuck!" Ian shouted as he threw his bags on the ground, "Ian calm down" Jason said "no! Don't tell me to calm down! I warned you about that crazy bitch and you chose to call me a fake friend and ignore me! Fuck you, Jason!" Ian spat and stomped into the cabin as Barbara shook her head "we will just call a cab or something" she said before following him.

Jason sighed as he sat down on the piece of log on the ground, "are you okay daddy?" Justin asked shyly "Ian is right.. it is my fault, I didn't see how bad Alexa was.. I'm so sorry about your blanket" Jason said as Justin shrugged "you weren't the one who burnt it daddy" he said before sitting on the mans lap.

"I love you," Jason said as Justin smiled, "I love you too daddy" he said before kissing the man softly.

Jason was soon interrupted by his phone and the man pulled away as he grabbed his phone. "Hello?" Jason said, "hi Jason" a woman spoke.

Jason's eyes widened "uh mom? Not that I have a problem with you calling me but.. why are you calling me?" Jason raised a brow, "I've missed you! I wanted to catch up on things!" "well.. I'm pretty busy" Jason said as his mom laughed "oh yes.. I understand the company has been pretty busy," "no.. I'm with my boyfriend" Jason said.

"I see you're still going through that phase," "it's not a phase.. if you called me just to criticize me then you might as well hang up now" Jason said. "I'm at your house" the woman said, "what? How did you-- why are you in my house?!" "just hurry back!" the woman laughed before hanging up.

Jason scoffed "we should get going" Jason stood up as Justin raised a brow "what happened daddy?" "my mom is at my house" Jason said and soon a cab arrived in front of the camping area sign, "come on Ian!" Jason said as the man came out of his cabin with Barbara.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Ian asked, "my mom is at my house and I need you to come with me" Jason said and Ian's eyes widened "o-oh" he said and nodded.


"Mom!" Jason shouted as he entered the house with Ian, Barbara, and Justin. "Goddamnit, where is that woman?" "I'm in the kitchen!" a woman shouted and Jason ran to the kitchen to see his mother cooking.

"Mom, how the fuck did you get in here?" Jason spat, "you've never been good with hiding things" the woman laughed as Jason rolled his eyes. "Get out" Jason said and Justin's eyes widened, "now that is no way to treat your mother!" "mother? You constantly ditched me in the streets to hook up with a random guy you found in the club.. you're no mother" Jason glared.

"Oh hush! That's in the past! Hello Ian!" the woman waved and Ian only shot her a scowl as he looked away. "My boyfriend kicked me out of his house after he caught me fucking his brother.. so I need a place to stay until I find somewhere else to live," "then I'll gladly rent you a hotel room for a couple weeks" Jason spat.

"Not necessary! I need to spend more time with my son! Who is this boyfriend anyway? Is it Ian? I always knew that lad was a fag," "I'm not gay! I'm standing right next to my girlfriend!" Ian spat.

"This is my boyfriend.. Justin" Jason said and Justin blushed as the woman stared at him "uh hi" he said with a wave. "Oh he's cute.. far too good for you" the woman said as she continued cooking "I know.. can you leave?" Jason rolled his eyes, "but I've cooked us a big dinner! Please stay Ian! Justin! Um-- Ian's girlfriend! Stay! Just for dinner" the woman smiled and Jason rolled his eyes, "whatever it's not like you'll leave anyway" he said before leaving.

"I'll stay" Barbara smiled "me too.. only because if dinner does go wrong unlike you I'll be there for Jason" Ian smiled before wrapping his arm around Barbara's neck and leaving. Justin followed Jason to his room and frowned "daddy are you okay?" Justin asked as he crawled into Jason's bed.

"I'm fine baby boy" Jason said and Justin frowned "daddy you're lying," "I'm sorry.. it's just-- she was never there for me! All she did was drink and leave me at home all alone while she parties with some guy! It was always like this.. she never went to any of my school events or any teacher conferences! Sometimes she'd disappear for weeks then come back just to sleep and eat.. then once she's back on her feet she does it all over again.. that's why I spent most of high school sleeping over at Ian's.. Ian's mom went to my teacher conferences.. that woman supported me" Jason sighed and Justin listened carefully.

"W-what about your father?" Justin said and Jason chuckled, "he lives all the way in Mexico.. he has a new family and a very loving wife, but he doesn't like me because he thinks I'm like my mom" Jason said and Justin raised a brow "wait you're Hispanic?" Justin couldn't help but ask as Jason laughed "just half" he said.

Justin blushed, "sorry daddy.. but I understand now.. I'm sorry you went through that but I will always support you too no matter what" Justin said and wrapped his arms around Jason's waist.

Jason smiled as he hugged his baby boy and was soon interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, "who could that possible be?" Jason groaned and got out of bed.

Jason walked down the steps and his mother was already at the door, smiling as she hugged the person. "Who's here?" Jason raised a brow.

Jason gasped in shock to see his brother Xavier standing by the doorway "hello little brother" he smirked, Jason could feel the hatred running through his body.

The man that stole all his ex's, everyone adored him and he had a killer smile that made adults love him, Xavier always made it his goal to take everything that's Jason's and he always accomplished that.

"Xavier," Jason said as he gritted his teeth.


Thanks for reading cuties 💘

I updated twice because I'm not sure when I'll be able to update this upcoming week so.. I might update again later, no promises!

Baby Boy [Jastin] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon