'Las Vegas'

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"Ha! It feels so great to be here!" Ian smiled as he stepped out of his private jet, "we're just here for business" Jason said with his arm wrapped around Justin's waist. "I know but dude, don't you remember the good ol' days! When we went to parties and hooked up--" "Ian! Shut up!" Jason cut off as he blushed.

"Oh right, sorry" Ian laughed and Barbara stepped out of the jet as she crossed her arms "daddy why are we just standing around?" "Oh right! Sorry princess, let's get a move on!" Ian said and held her hand as they made their way towards the limo. "Daddy?" Justin said "what did you use to do here?" he asked and Jason's eyes widened a bit. "Well.. back before I met you I used to party and drink a lot with girls.. but it's not like that anymore baby I promise" Jason said and Justin nodded as he smiled "okay daddy I believe you."


Jason stepped into the hotel room with the suitcases as Justin immediately ran towards the bed, lying down as he smiled "I'm so tired!" Justin said and Amanda walked pass me as she carried her suitcase. Jason had Amanda come to look after Justin while he attends to a meeting with Ian tomorrow, she didn't seem to mind coming along.

"My meeting isn't until tonight so why don't we take a small nap then look around, yeah?" Jason said and Amanda nodded before crawling into her own bed. Jason lied down besides Justin and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his small waist.


"Aw look daddy! Let's go to the amusement park!" Justin smiled and Jason turned to Ian and Barbara "do you want to go?" he asked and Barbara nodded in excitement as Ian shrugged. Amanda followed as they entered the park, Jason walked towards the ticket booth and purchased fifty tickets. "Where do you want to go first babe?" "umm on the horses!" Justin pointed and grabbed Jason's hand, running towards the carousal. "I'll watch you from here babe" Jason smiled "okay daddy!" Justin kissed Jason's cheek and handed the man two tickets before picking a horse.

Jason grabbed his phone and Justin smiled towards the camera as the man snapped the photo. Jason smiled as he stared at the photo, "isn't he adorable?" he said as Amanda glanced at the photo "totally" she giggled and Jason laughed as he put his phone away.

Justin had dragged Jason to many mini games and rides, it's a good thing that the man carried a lot of cash with him. Justin grabbed the small hoops and threw them at the bottles. Justin's goal was to make the hoop it three red bottles, the red ones meant better prizes. Jason was pretty impressed with how easy it was for Justin to do so as the hoop hit three bottles.

Justin smiled as he was received a big brown teddy bear, the boy hugged the bear tightly as he grinned and the couple made sure to stop by to eat.

"I'm going to buy us food, what do you guys want?" Jason asked "I'll have nachos" Amanda smiled "I'll have pizza!" Justin grinned and Jason nodded as he walked towards the line.

"Amanda, do you have a boyfriend?" Justin asked as the girl raised a brow "no, why?" "that guy is checking you out!" Justin chuckled and Amanda turned around to see a boy smiling at her as he stood in another line with his friends. "He's cute" Amanda admitted, "go talk to him!" Justin smiled "I can't silly, I have to look after you" she laughed "I'm fine now go!" Justin urged and Amanda giggled "Jason would hate me if I left you" she said and Justin thought about it for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"Here you go!" Jason smiled as he came back with a tray. "Thank you daddy!" Justin smiled and grabbed his pizza slice "I'm going to the bathroom" Amanda said and left as Jason shrugged, "what do you want to do when we finish babe?" "Umm I want to go on the Ferris wheel!" Justin grinned. "Anything for you" Jason said and Justin kissed his lips, catching Jason off guard but he kissed back nonetheless as he cupped Justin's cheeks.


"Pleasure doing business with you fine gentlemen" the man smiled as he shook Jason's hand and Ian's. "We look forward into doing this project with you Vincent" Ian said and the man nodded, waving as he stepped back into his office. "Glad that's over" Ian said and removed his tie from around his neck, "I'm exhausted! Do you want to go that one bar here uh.. Frankie's Tiki Room was it?" Jason asked and Ian nodded.

It was a nice, quiet, and very professional bar where most business men came to drink after long stressful days.

Once Jason and Ian arrived to the bar, Ian ordered them beers and Jason sat down on the stool as he put down cash. "Thanksgiving is coming up.. I told my parents I'd be with them this year, I'm bringing Barbara" "that's cool, has she met your folks before?" "oh yeah plenty of times, they've accepted her but she still gets nervous" Ian chuckled.

"Ah, I haven't thought about bringing Justin yet.. I guess I've been a bit distracted" Jason said as he grabbed his cup and chugged down all his beer as Ian raised a brow "holy shit." "Hey look, I haven't drank since I started dating Justin.. I almost forgot how amazing beer is.. can I have another?" Jason asked the bartender. "You planning on getting drunk tonight? Like the old days" Ian said and Jason shook his head, "no.. unlike you I know how to handle my liquor" Jason scoffed.

"Hey I can so handle liquor!" Ian said as the bartender put down another full cup of beer, "no you can't! Remember when you forced me to go to the club with you to get drunk and you were the one that ended up passing out?" Jason laughed before grabbing his cup. "Shut up! That was only one time and I was stressed out too!" Ian said as he glanced at the menu.

"I'll have Ice Tea please" Ian said "me too" Jason said, "remember that time in high school we threw the most fun parties!" "Dude! I remember, we always had parties in your huge basement and we'd have drinks and junk food, then everyone would sit in a circle and play shitty games like truth or dare and cards against humanity" Jason smiled as the bartender put down the drinks "high school was awesome" Ian smiled.

"Cheers" Jason said and grabbed his cup, chugging the alcohol as Ian copied him. "Holy shit, this is strong.. what's in this?" Ian asked the bartender, "there's like four shots of tequila in there brother."

"What? Dude what the hell? We can't go home.. not when we're drunk!" Jason said and he rubbed his eyes as he vision began to blur. "I have an idea! There's a club a couple blocks from here let's go there and... and drink more!" A drunk Ian suggested and Jason nodded as he stood up "that's a good idea! Let's go!" Jason said and the men laughed as they ran down the sidewalk, yelling and shouting as they laughed in the night time.

Jason couldn't remember much after that, the last thing he remembered was a woman leaning against his ear as they both panted, her hands on his chest as she moaned "daddy."




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