'I love you'

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Jason sighed as he had just arrived home with Justin, he put all the bags on the table and Justin looked around while licking his lollipop. "Let me show you your room baby boy" Jason said and Justin followed the man into his new room as his eyes brightened.

Justin dropped his lollipop and squealed in excitement before running towards the table, he grabbed a piece of paper and crayons as he began to color. Jason smiled at the sight and left the room right after picking up his lollipop and throwing it away of course.

Jason hung Justin's new clothes in the closet and folded his shirts, placing them into the drawer while Justin colored and hummed to himself. "I'm going to order us pizza, any specific kind that you want?" Jason asked and Justin nodded "sausage please" he said and Jason nodded before leaving the room as he dialed the number.

Justin smiled as he drew Jason and himself, they were taking a walk to the park while Jason kissed his cheek. It was definitely a sloppy drawing but you could still understand what was happening in the photo. "Pizza should come in an hour.. they must be busy tonight since it is Friday" Jason chuckled, "daddy! I drew this for you!" Justin grabbed the photo as he smiled and handed it to Jason.

Jason smiled as he stared at the drawing "its beautiful baby Boy, I'm going to hang it on the refrigerator" he said and Justin smiled as he followed Jason to the kitchen where he hung the drawing neatly. "Daddy I want a bath" Justin said and Jason crossed his arms "okay I'll go get the bath ready" he said and walked up the stairs.

Jason filled the tub with warm water and made sure to add bubbles into the water, the man grabbed a blue towel and called for Justin as he ran into the bathroom before throwing a rubber ducky into the tub. Jason began to undress Justin and licked his lips as he stared at his body, Justin blushed and Jason pulled down the boy's boxers to reveal his member, Jason definitely liked what he was seeing but he didn't want to pressure Justin into anything.

Justin stepped on the stool and climbed into the tub as he sat down, playing with the bubbles as Jason let him sit for awhile. The man rolled up his sleeves before grabbing the bottle of shampoo and poured a bit on his hand before scrubbing Justin's wet hair.

Justin played with his toys while Jason scrubbed his head and rinsed it, Justin closed his eyes as Jason rinsed the soap off with water and Jason began scrubbing Justin's body, touching his member as Justin's body jolted forward. His breath hitched and he looked up at Jason while blushing "sorry baby" Jason said and continued to clean his baby boy's body.

Jason grabbed the towel and dried off Justin's body and hair, wrapping the towel around his body as they made their way into his room. Jason grabbed the pair of batman pajamas and put them on Justin as he smiled, Jason soon heard the doorbell and smiled "that must be the pizza" he said.

Justin smiled in excitement and ran into the kitchen, sitting by the counter as Jason handed the pizza man a tip. "Here you go baby" Jason put down a slice of pizza in front of Justin as he licked his lips "thank you daddy."

Jason was later awakened by the sound of thunder, the man groaned as he rubbed his eyes. Jason heard the sound of crying as he sighed and got out of bed lazily, walking into Justin's room as he was hiding underneath his blanket, Jason pulled down the side of the crib and reached for Justin as he crawled into his arms.

Justin wrapped his legs around Jason's waist as he carried him to his room. "You can sleep with me baby Boy" Jason said and lied Justin down next to him, "I love you daddy" Justin told Jason and cupped his cheeks as he kissed him.

Jason's eyes widened a bit at Justin's words and with how fast Justin had already slipped his tongue into his mouth, Jason kissed back and he was taken off guard when Justin sat on his hips and leaned down to kiss him some more. Jason held Justin's hips and he knew he would get hard at any moment now so he stopped Justin, telling him that he was too tired which was a lie because Jason couldn't even sleep after that.

Jason didn't know how to feel.


Thanks for reading babes 🖤💫

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