'Deserve It'

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Ian sighed as he held a sobbing Jason in his arms, it was currently three AM and Jason came right after Justin was put to the hospital. Barbara stood by the doorway as she watched sadly, holding Justin's puppy in her arms and she didn't know why Jason was crying but she knew it had something to do with Justin. "Jase.. come on man, it's going to be okay" Ian said "h-he doesn't have anyone! W-who's going to visit him?!" Jason cried as he pulled away "I'm sure they called his parents and if they don't come then Barbara and I will try to check up on him.. it's four AM, please get some rest" Ian said and Jason sighed as he nodded "you need a shower first.. I'll let you borrow my clothes" Ian said and Jason nodded again as he stood up, making his way towards the bathroom. "I'll leave the guest room open for you" Ian called.

Once Jason finished showering he grabbed the extra clothes Ian had prepared for him and put them on, Jason sighed and lied down on the bed as he stared at the ceiling. Jason couldn't sleep, he found himself turning a lot as he groaned in frustration, Jason missed having Justin crawl into bed in the middle of the night.

Jason got out of bed and opened the door, walking into Ian's room as he shook his shoulder "Ian" he said and Ian raised a brow "what's up?" "I-I can't sleep" Jason said and Ian sighed as he scooted over "come here buddy" Ian said and Jason lied down besides his best friend as he smiled. "Thanks" Jason said, "yeah.. we used to do this a lot when we were kids" Ian chuckled and Jason smiled at the memory when they'd have sleepovers in high school.


The next day Jason had woken up and rubbed his eyes, he found himself on an empty bed as he rolled his eyes. Jason sat up and removed the sheets from his lap, making his way to the kitchen to see Ian cooking eggs and Barbara smiling as she watched him from the counter. "Good morning" Ian said as he glanced at Jason for a split second, "I-I need to visit Justin" Jason said "no! No! I called the hospital and his parents are with him, they flew all the way from Canada the moment they found out and Justin is okay.. he's going to make it" Ian said and Jason sighed in relief "o-oh.. thank god" he said and sat down as tears welled up in his eyes "b-but I can't s-see him" Jason cried and Ian sighed "he's going to be staying in the hospital for three days.. you can send him roses or something" Ian said and Jason sniffled as he nodded "o-okay."

"Here I made you breakfast" Ian put down a plate of pancakes and bacon, and another plate for Barbara. Jason grabbed a fork and froze when he heard those words,

"Thank you daddy" Barbara smiled and Jason dropped his fork before leaving. Ian sighed and Barbara frowned "sorry" she said and he shook his head as he followed Jason, "dude come on! I'm sorry about that" "it's cool" Jason said while lying down. "You need to eat, I know you're upset but if you don't eat you're going to end up really unhealthy and I'm sure Justin would hate to see you in that kind of state" Ian said.

"Not hungry," "you're lying" Ian said and sighed "at least order the flowers.. maybe it'll make you feel better" Ian said and handed Jason his phone, Jason sniffled as he dialed a number and held the phone against his ear "h-hi I'd like to make an order of roses" Jason said "I want a bouquet and I want the roses to be white.. white means hope, d-did you know that?" Jason said as he covered himself with a blanket but Ian listened as he raised brow.

"I told my boyfriend that.. hopefully he'll still remember when he gets them" Jason said, "can you send them to the hospital? Victory Hospital.. to Justin Drew Bieber and I want a note attached to the flowers" Ian sighed as he listened, he started to feel bad. "Say that it's from Jason and that I hope he gets well soon, also make sure it says that I love him" Jason said. "Oh can you also attach a teddy bear to it?" Jason said and Ian bit his lower lip.

"O-oh and balloons? Do you have heart shaped ones? Yeah, that sounds good-- huh? I'd say about three of those and I want them pink" Jason said. "Wait! Do you have apple sauce? Oh that's too bad.. my boyfriend loves apple sauce" Jason said, "really? You'd do that for me?" he said into the phone "it's worth it.. okay that's it" Jason said and stuck his hand out of the sheets, Ian handed him his credit card and Jason told the man the numbers on the card as Ian waited patiently.

"Thank you, you too" Jason said and hung up, Ian grabbed his phone as he looked down. "I'm sorry about how all this went down" Ian said but Jason didn't respond, he only stared at the wall as Ian sat on the edge of the bed. "I told the office that you'd be on vacation for awhile.. just until you feel that you're able to get back on your feet.. and you know what? I'm going to be here too, with you. Barbara and I will help you.. that's what best friends are for, right?" Ian grinned.

Jason hummed and Barbara walked in as she held a plate of pancakes, "please eat" she said as she put the plate on the nightstand and Jason lazily sat up as he grabbed a fork, Ian smiled and Barbara sat on his lap as she grinned.

"I'm going to have to visit your friend later.. will you be okay with Jason?" Ian whispered as Barbara nodded "I can take care of him.. anything for you" she smiled and Ian kissed her cheek. He wanted to make things right for his best friend.

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