'Truth Comes Out'

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Ian took a bite out of his pasta and Barbara smiled "this is delicious!" she giggled and continued eating. Jason wasn't sure if he wanted to eat or not, that would have to involve him thanking his mother and he didn't want to thank her for shit. Xavier smiled as he filled his plate with food and stared at Justin, the man licked his spoon teasingly and Justin let out a snort of laughter, a look that says 'you're trying too hard dude.'

"How is the company going Jason?" Bianca smiled, "its running fine.. I might go on vacation for a year.. have Ian take over, I'm utterly exhausted" Jason sighed. "That seems like a good idea! You need more time to yourself" Bianca smiled, "actually I want to spend more time with Justin.. I really want to take him to the Bahamas or Hawaii" Jason smiled and Justin blushed at the thought of himself and Jason alone at a romantic vacation with no distractions.

"Barbara and I went to a private island a couple months ago, it's very private and the service is very good!" Ian smiled, "that sounds amazing! Why don't you email me the information later on?" Jason said and Ian nodded "anything for you, brother!"

"He's my brother.. not yours" Xavier spat, "it's just a friendly term" Jason said. "No actually I did mean it, Jason you're like a brother to me.. and I'm glad to know that at least someone in your life such as me didn't leave you for your shitty older brother" Ian smiled, Xavier shot the man a glare and grabbed his fork "don't make me stab you kid!" "Leave him alone" Barbara said, "stay out of this little girl!" Xavier spat and Barbara grabbed a handful of pasta, throwing the food at Xavier's chest as he gasped.

"Hey! I didn't make this dinner so that you kids could throw it!" Bianca said, "oh you little shit!" Xavier said with a glare "SIT DOWN! Enough! Eat!" Bianca shouted "but she threw food at me, mom!" "I don't care! You're twenty six for fucks sake!" Bianca huffed and Xavier sat down as he scowled. Barbara smiled as she stuck her tongue out at the man and continued eating.

Ian smiled at his girlfriend and kissed her cheek. Justin held Jason's hand tightly underneath the table as Xavier shot the boy a wink, Justin couldn't get himself to eat especially with all the tension in the room and with Xavier staring at him most the time. "Anyway.. whatever happened to your last girlfriend? Selena?" "my shitty so called brother fucked her behind my back for a year" Jason spat.

"Aw come on Jase! That was a long time ago!" "it doesn't matter anyway.. I have Justin, and I love him" Jason smiled and Justin blushed lightly as he looked down. "He's been very quiet, why don't I get to know the kid a bit more?" Bianca smiled, "over my dead body!" Jason spat "why not?" Bianca frowned.

"Why would Justin waste his time getting to know someone who'll probably just take off again? Don't even bother going near him" Jason warned, "hey! Be nice! That's our mom and she's done a lot for us" Xavier said. "Like what? Lock us in a closet while she fucked some red necked trucker guy? That time she didn't feed us for almost a week so I had to sell my baseball cards to make money for food! The only thing she ever did was make my life a living hell!" Jason shouted and Bianca's eyes widened, "and the funny thing is.. she never said sorry" Jason laughed.

"Enough!" Xavier snapped and Jason scowled before grabbing a piece of chicken, Xavier grabbed a corn bread and smiled as he took a bite. Barbara kicked the man from underneath the table causing him to hiss in pain, dropping his bread. Xavier shot her a glare and crawled underneath the table.

Xavier smirked as he noticed Justin's legs, he walked towards the boy and ran his fingers down his leg as the boy gasped "s-stop!" he said and Jason peaked underneath the table with a glare "you're taking it too far Xavier!" he said and clenched his fist. Xavier quickly stood up and laughed "I'm just messing around!"

"I don't fucking care, you're touching my boyfriend and he doesn't like it so stop!" Jason snarled and Justin leaned against Jason as he stared at Xavier.

"Whatever" Xavier rolled his eyes as he continued eating and Jason crossed his arms, he was getting way too pissed off to continue eating. "So.. how was--" "Jesus Christ! Can you stop fucking talking?! Every time you open your damn mouth there's always a goddamn argument and I get the urge to just punch your stupid face!" Ian cut Xavier off as Barbara laughed.

Xavier stared at the man with a cold stone glare, "all I wanted was to have a family dinner! Now dinner is ruined!" Bianca cried and ran off as Jason frowned, the man stood up from his seat. "Mom" Jason sighed as he watched her run off and the door slammed shut as he groaned.

"Look, I know my mom is a fucking crack head and my brother is a fake idiot but I haven't had a family dinner with those boneheads in years.. Ian I'm so sorry I called you a fake friend, I should've listened to you when you warned me about Alexa and I'm sorry about your uncles van.. and I'm sorry I said so many mean things to you, I love you Ian" Jason said and Ian smiled widely "I love you too Jase" he said.

"And Xavier.. stop trying to fucking get with Justin, he's mine! Touch him one more time and I will not hesitate to fucking slap the crap out of you.. when dinner is over I want you gone" Jason spat and Xavier sighed as he nodded in defeat. "I know you hate guys hate each other but just pretend to get along for the sake of my mother so she can leave" Jason laughed and Justin giggled as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's go get mom" Jason said and Xavier followed him up the stairs. It was a very rough task getting Bianca out of the room but eventually Jason was able to convince her to get out.

Bianca sat down and nobody said a word, the woman smiled and sighed in relief as she enjoyed the rest of dinner with her sons.


Another update, aye!

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