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Ian stood in front of Jason's loft as he called him for the third time today but there was still no answer, it's been a week since Justin left and Jason hasn't been coming to work, he didn't even visit Ian or bother to call anyone. Jason was sinking fast and Ian needed something to slow that down but he wasn't sure of what to do.

Ian knocked on the door repeatedly and rolled his eyes when there was no respond, he grabbed a hair pin from his pocket and picked on the lock. Ian smiled as the door opened and he stepped in the messy loft as his eyes widened, clothes were scattered everywhere and Ian was pretty sure that it smelled horrible and that was because of the old food left out in the kitchen.

Ian entered Jason's room to see the man sleeping on his bed, the room was too dark. Jason had his curtains shut to block out the sunlight, "Jason" Ian spoke and rubbed his shoulder as the man hummed "wake up.. your place stinks dude and I'm pretty sure that you do too" Ian said as he scrunched his nose.

"Fuck off" Jason mumbled against his pillow, "you need to move on.. Barbara is getting a babysitter for tonight so we can hit the club" Ian grinned "the club? Out of all places" "it's a start" Ian said. "If we're going tonight then why are you here at my place now?" "I don't know, I got bored at home" Ian frowned "but you need a bath so.. I'll get that ready" Ian said and made his way to the bathroom, Ian turned on the water and changed the temperature to warm.

"Come on! Get up!" Ian said grabbed a pillow and threw it as Jason's head as he whined, Ian wrapped his arm around Jason's shoulder and lifted him up as Jason groaned.

Ian pulled off Jason's shirt and his jeans as he took a deep breath "you're lucky I'm used to doing things like this thanks to Barbara" Ian said and Jason stepped into the tub as Ian pulled his sleeves up and grabbed the bottle of shampoo.

Once Ian had cleaned Jason up he dragged him to his bed and sighed "okay let's get you some fresh new clothes.. lucky for you I! Your best friend bought the best outfit" Ian said and grabbed a pair of boxers "put these on! And I'll be back," Jason slipped on the boxers and put on a pair of socks, lying back down on his bed lazily as Ian came back with an outfit "get up!" he said and Jason sat up as Ian held the outfit.

"Come on! Put it on!" Ian said and Jason grabbed the pants as he slipped them on along with the shirt and the jacket, Ian smiled widely "looking good!" he said and Jason looked at himself in the mirror. "I look like I'm eighteen" he said "there's nothing wrong with looking young" Ian smiled "I'm a twenty three year old man" Jason stated.

"Yeah.. let's go!" Ian smiled and Jason followed his best friend to his car as he sighed, sitting down as Ian started his car "let's eat first, yeah? You must be starving plus you look like you haven't eaten in days" Ian pointed out as Jason stared at the window, "we can even go to your favorite restaurant" Ian smiled as Jason closed his eyes "don't fall asleep! We're going to have a good time!" Ian smacked Jason's thigh as he jumped "oh uh sorry" he said quietly.

"How have you been anyway? I haven't seen you in a week! The company misses you, especially the ladies" Ian winked and Jason only shrugged as Ian rolled his eyes, the man parked his car and entered the restaurant with Jason.

"Ah! I haven't been here in so long, this looks so delicious" Ian smiled as he stared at his food "it's okay" Jason said as he played with his food and Ian grabbed his fork, stabbing the piece of lasagna as he shoved it in Jason's mouth. Jason's eyes widened and Ian shot him a glare "eat!"

Jason swallowed his food and nodded as he continued eating, Ian smiled as he continued eating. Jason took a sip out of his drink and raised a brow "is this wine?" "yeah why? Is that a problem?" Ian asked and Jason shrugged as he continued to drink down the liquid. Ian grabbed his phone and took a photo of Jason as he raised a brow, "making memories here buddy" Ian said as Jason rolled his eyes playfully.

Once Ian and Jason had finished eating they made their way to the club and ordered a few shots, Jason drank four shots as Ian took photos. "L-let's dance!" Jason said and Ian followed him to the dance door. Jason smiled as he began dancing the beat of the music, "m-more I need more alcohol!" Jason said and ran towards the bar as Ian watched in amusement.

"My legs are tired, dance without me yeah?" Ian said and Jason quickly made his way to the dance floor as he danced by himself, Ian laughed as he watched and pulled out his phone.

A group of girl walked towards Jason as he danced and joined him, Jason raised a brow as he stopped "come on sweetie, keep dancing" the girl said as she grind her ass against Jason's crotch "he's mine" another one said "I saw him first" the last one scoffed. "G-get off! All of you!" Jason said and shoved the girl as she gasped, Jason immediately left the club and Ian quickly ran after him.

"Jason! Jason!" Ian smiled, "what?" Jason spat as he stood in the middle of the empty road, it was currently thundering but he didn't care, Jason let the water run down his clothes and he removed the hair from his forehead as Ian laughed "you did it!" Ian said as Jason raised a brow "huh?"

"You rejected a group of hot girls, you're drunk.. and look where you're at!" Ian laughed as he tried his best to talk over the thunder. It was raining hard and Jason smiled in realization "you did this on purpose didn't you?" "Someone had to see if you were telling the truth" Ian laughed and Jason chuckled as he moved to the sidewalk. Ian followed Jason and heard his phone ring, "Ian Rodriguez speaking" he said.

"Ian? Hello this is Pattie" Ian's eyes widened "o-oh um hello ma'am is everything okay?" "Yes.. well.. not really, you see Justin has been having trouble sleeping lately, he constantly cries and calls for help and he says it's because he doesn't have his blanket, it's a blue blanket with a shooting star.. he says it keeps his nightmares away" Pattie said and Ian's eyes widened as he pulled the phone away "Jase? Do you still have Justin's blanket?" Ian asked and Jason raised a brow "yeah?" he said in confusion.

"I-I have it.. I'll be in Canada by tomorrow" Ian lied, "are you sure? Just for a blanket?" "Yes.. trust me it'll be worth it and I don't mean to brag but I make millions every hour and I don't mind spending money on a plane ticket.. I will be there tomorrow" Ian said and Pattie thanked him.

"We're going to your place.. you need to pack up" Ian said as Jason raised a brow "is everything okay?"

"You're going to see Justin."

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