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Jason had waken up the next day with a yawn, the man rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. Leaving a kiss on Justin's forehead before getting out of bed, the white sheets covered Justin's naked lower half as the boy let out a soft snore.
Jason walked down the steps and to the door to see a note, Jason grabbed the note and rolled his eyes playfully before crumbling the note.

Jason decided that now was a good time to shower before Justin wakes up, especially because he knew he had to be at work in the afternoon.
Once Jason had finished showering he changed into comfortable clothes and walked into the kitchen to start making Justin's breakfast.

Justin absolutely loves chocolate chip pancakes so Jason chopped up a chocolate bar and poured pancake mix into the hot skillet, dropping a few pieces of chocolate on it as he inhaled the delicious smell. Jason also loved eating his pancakes with sausages so Jason grabbed another skillet and began cooking the three pieces of meat at the same time. "Justin also likes sunny side ups.. it wouldn't hurt to make just a few" Jason said as he grabbed another skillet.

Jason couldn't help but feel proud of himself as he had finally finished Justin's dinner, the food looked absolutely delicious and he made sure to leave a cup of milk.


Jason snapped his head up at Justin as he stood by the steps with a stuffed animal, "baby boy! I made you breakfast!" Jason smiled and Justin walked towards the man and glanced at the plate, Justin felt like his mouth was going to water as he stared at the food on the plate. "Thank you daddy!" Justin giggled and sat down as he grabbed a fork and began eating his pancakes.

"Baby boy, I'm going to work and Amanda should be coming in an hour or two to watch you while I'm gone okay?" Jason said and Justin nodded as he continued eating, "I love you" Jason grinned.
"I-I love you too!" Justin said with his mouth full, "w-wait! Daddy, where's your mom? And brother?" Justin asked, "my mom left a note and said her ex boyfriend called because he wants her back or something so she's staying with him" Jason snorted, "same old Bianca" he said and began laughing. Justin could tell that Bianca leaving no longer affected Jason because she's left so many times during his childhood, he's used to it.

"My brother left last night, he's living with a friend" Jason said and Justin nodded "are you okay daddy?" he asked and Jason bit his lower lip "you're here baby boy.. of course I'm okay" Jason said with a smile and kissed Justin's forehead before jogging up the stairs. Justin blushed as he looked down at his plate and continued eating.


"Hello boss" the front desk woman smiled politely, "hello" Jason said as he walked by and made his way down the halls. "Good afternoon boss" K.C, his assistant smiled as he followed Jason "today you have a conference with Richard Wade to discuss any new ideas for your company, you will be having clients coming in to discuss some new ideas and after that your manager wants you to look over some proposals that other companies have made to collaborate with you and your work, then at five you have a lunch meeting with your manager that he scheduled himself because it was urgent," "my meetings with my manger are never urgent, he just says that so I can see him" Jason rolled his eyes "thank you K.C" the man said and his assistant handed him a cup of coffee as Jason smiled and entered the conference room.


"You look utterly exhausted" Ian laughed as Jason sat in his office, "I am exhausted! I had twenty four business owners come in today to help my business product grow and none of them were even good" Jason scowled. "How's Justin doing? Did you leave him with your mom or something?" Ian raised a brow, "no way.. I'd never leave that poor kid with my useless mother, I had Amanda watch him for today.. I really want to do something special for Justin on Valentine's Day.. but every idea I've found is overused and cliché" Jason said in frustration.

"Well I'm renting out a private yacht for Barbara and I, we're going to be at sea for the weekend.. just the two of us" Ian winked and Jason sighed "that's perfect" he mumbled helplessly.

"Come on, let's plan something out right now" Ian said as he sat down and grabbed a notepad, Jason nodded and closed the file. "Tell me Justin's interests when it comes to romance and his favorite things" Ian said as Jason bit his lower lip, "well Justin loves art, he likes teddy bears and flowers.. oh! and apple sauce, he eats it everyday when he's watching TV, and he likes colorful things and--" "I've got it! You two could go to LA, there's this thing they have going on for a month called an Art Walk and basically it's a town full of graffiti and art hung by lots of artists, it's better to go at night though because the neon section is amazing! I'm sure he'd like that then you two could go to an arcade, I know it may seem childish to you but Justin would really enjoy himself and let's be honest here Jason, you could let lose for awhile! and after that you guys could go to a hotel and have hot steamy shower sex" Ian said and Jason's eyes widened at Ian's sudden idea.

"You got all that from what I told you?" Jason said, Ian laughed "and as for the presents I guess you could give them to him when he wakes up" Ian smiled and Jason nodded, liking the idea.

"Thanks" Jason said "no problem" Ian smiled and stood up "now come on, you're buying me dinner" Ian said as Jason scoffed but chuckled as he stood up and followed his best friend.


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