'I'm Sorry'

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Ian stood in front of the hospital with a card and entered the building, "I'm here to visit Justin Drew Bieber.. i'm his brother" Ian said and the front desk woman searched for Justin's information as she nodded "he is upstairs in room two thirty three, third floor" the woman said and wrote down a visitors pass as Ian grinned "thank you ma'am" he said and walked pass her.

Ian stepped in the elevator and pressed on the number three as he waited, the man hummed to himself and grabbed his phone. Ian smiled at his lock screen, it was a photo of Barbara when they were in Vegas. The doors opened and Ian put his phone away, walking down the halls as he looked at each number on the door. Ian spotted Justin's room and a nurse was leaving, Ian knocked on the door as he walked in and his eyes widened.

Justin had bandaids wrapped around both his wrists and a small one on his arm, "excuse me? Who are you?" A man asked and Ian cleared his throat "Ian Rodriguez.. I'm a friend of Justin's" he said and a woman sighed "I'm Pattie.. Justin's mother and this is my husband Tom" the woman greeted, "it's very nice to meet you ma'am and sir" Ian said awkwardly and glanced at the bouquet of roses, "I can see someone cares about your son a lot" Ian said and the woman turned to the pile of gifts on the desk as she nodded.

"I think it's from his boyfriend.. Justin kept calling the name 'Jason' in his sleep, he hasn't told us why he tried to kill himself.. he's very quiet, he hasn't changed a bit," "hasn't changed?" "Justin's always been quiet when he was younger.. then when he turned eighteen he said he wanted to leave.. to travel the world and he said he had enough money" Pattie said and Ian bit his lower lip.

"Tom and I want to get something to eat.. do you mind waiting here until we get back?" "Yeah no problem" Ian grinned and sat down as Tom and Pattie thanked him. Ian stared at Justin's wrists, "it's rude to stare" Justin said as he opened his eyes and Ian gasped.

"U-uh sorry" he said and Justin shrugged, "why are you here?" Justin asked "Jason misses you.. I'm not here to convince you to get back together with him because I know what he did was wrong but that guy is a mess.. I've seen him depressed before trust me, before he met you he couldn't even crack a smile on his face but then when he met you.. that's the happiest I've ever seen him and now the guy is going back to his old habits.. I'm not trying to guilt trip you but I just thought that it would be nice to let you know that he feels really fucking shitty for what he did and I don't blame you for not wanting to see him anymore but at least.. talk to him and clear things up because he thinks you guys are still together" Ian said and sighed before wiping his eyes, he didn't know why he was crying. Maybe because his best friend was sinking and the fact that he can't stop that from happening himself is bothering him?

"I need to talk to him anyway, when I get out I'm going back to Canada with my parents.. and I left some stuff in his house so" Justin said as he looked down, "he loves you Justin.. he truly does, I know what he did made it seem like everything he ever said to you wasn't true but trust me, that guys been in a lot of relationships in high school and he's never cared about anyone the way he cares about you" Ian smiled.

"I love him too but he hurt me and lied about it" Justin said as he played with a teddy bear, the bear that Jason had sent him. Ian leaned back against his seat and nodded "that's understandable.. is there anything that you'd like me to tell him?" "Tell him that I will stop by on Thursday at four to get my stuff and.. thank you for the flowers.. and the bear it's really soft" Justin said and his parents walked in with a bag of food as Ian stood up.

"Thank you for having me" Ian smiled, "no problem! Feel free to come by any time" Pattie smiled and Ian nodded as he chuckled "bye Justin" he waved and Justin only looked down at his teddy bear, "I also got him a get well card" Ian said and Tom grabbed the card as he smiled "thank you" "no problem," and with that Ian left the room.


"Where's Jason?" Ian asked, "he's cleaning the bathroom.. I think he's gone insane" Barbara said and Ian walked into the bathroom to see Jason scrubbing the tub "you clean when you're stressed" Ian spoke "it keeps me distracted" Jason said as he continued scrubbing. "I went to see Justin," Jason quickly stood up "w-what? What did he say?" "After he gets out of the hospital he's going to get his stuff from your place.. he's moving back to Canada" Ian said and Jason's eyes widened "w-what? H-he's leaving?"

"His parents want him home," Ian said and Jason sat on the edge of the tub as tears welled up in his eyes, Ian sighed "look we can't be too sure, maybe he could change his mind if you just talk to him on Thursday okay? That's when he will be coming" Ian said and Jason nodded as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm going to order us pizza.. I'm not going to lie though, I like what you've done here" Ian looked around the clean bathroom before leaving.


Jason took a bite out of his pizza as as Barbara smiled "I love pizza!" she giggled and Ian wiped her chin with a napkin as he smiled "I know you do baby girl," Jason watched them with his arms crossed. Jason missed having someone like that, someone so innocent and pure.. so beautiful.

Jason stood up quickly as Ian shot his head towards him, "I'm tired.. I'm going home, thanks for letting me stay" Jason said. "Whoa are you sure?" "Yeah yeah" Jason shrugged and Ian nodded "well okay.. be safe" he said and Jason nodded as he grabbed his coat and Justin's puppy in his arms, her fur was still blue but Jason didn't want to change that.

When Jason had arrived home he put his jacket down and the puppy immediately ran towards the bowl of food and water in the kitchen. Jason entered Justin's room, he turned the lights on to see blood on the ground. Jason groaned and grabbed a towel, rinsing it and scrubbing the floor as tears spilled from his eyes and once Jason was finished, he threw the cloth in the bin and grabbed Justin's blanket. Justin absolutely loved this blanket, he can never sleep properly without it.

Jason lied down on his bed and hugged Justin's blanket as he closed his eyes, it was way too quiet. Jason missed hearing Justin's giggles, he missed having Justin cuddle up to his side.

Jason jumped when he heard the sound of thunder and a sob escaped his lips as he clung onto the baby blue blanket with a shooting star across the fabric. The puppy ran towards Jason and lied down on the end of the bed.

Jason cried himself to sleep.

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