12: Oman Au [Part 1]

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The arrow went flying for about three feet before it pathetically planted itself into the grass.

... I was aiming for a high tree branch about ten feet away.


I had to think positive.

I'm positive I suck at archery.

No no no. I was doing better. That's true. About an hour ago I couldn't even get the arrow to shoot, It would just drop down by my feet lamely when I would release it.

"You could help me yano" I grumbled, Pulling my arm back and getting ready to shoot another arrow again.

"It's fun watching this" He laughed. Evily might I add.

I glared at him and then released the arrow.

It dropped around two feet away.

Link laughed some more as he swung his sword at a very chipped tree, He was practicing his swords play.

"I'm glad you find me entertaining" I hissed his way as I stomped childishly to grab all the arrows in the grass.

The sky was turning a deep purple and blue, The sun was long gone and a single star had pop'd up in the sky.

Night was falling fast, But I wasn't to worried, Link had set up camp fourty five minutes ago.

Seemed we would have to do the Shrine in the morning.

"I do. I really do" He said.

I shot another arrow and it fell a few feet away again.

"I give up!" I grumbled. Throwing the bow down.

"You give up easily" Link looked smug.

Grabbing a stick from the ground I ran towards him and started swatting at his butt. He yelped in shock and began running.

"I GIVE UP EASILY EH!?" I was acting slightly delirious and laughed as Link started circling a tree and I did the same.

"I'm sorry!" He laughed.

We spun around and around the big tree until we both got dizzy and fell into the soft grass together in a fit of giggles.

I was happy. I think I hadn't been happy like this for a long time.

All my smiles where real. How could they not be? This place was beyond beautiful.

Starring up at the star filled sky I sighed in joy. Fireflies flew around Link and I, Blinking on and off and it was just so magical.

"Link" I whispered.


"I don't know how come I'm here... but I'm happy I am"

It was quiet for five minutes after that, I listened to the crickets happily, Soaking it all in.

Then suddenly...

"You are so corny" He started laughing.

I threw grass in his stupid face.

It was late morning, And suprizingly Link had helped me for two hours in archery.

I had gotten much better thanks to him. Not perfect. But better. Of course it took a couple elbows to the chest and lots of awkward moments but it was totally worth it.

Afterwards we picked apple's and mushrooms, Had a good breakfast and got ready to go.

I felt more prepared now.

We walked, Bow on my back and a sword on Link's as we left the forest and came to an open area.

The Shrines was just across a small circular body of water.

My bare feet felt strange going from the soft forest earth and grass to hard tiles and rock. I wish I had shoes.

Link noticed a large metalic rock and had the urge to see if it was something usable. He spent five minutes pulling and pushing at it before we moved on, Realizing it was hopeless.

As we got closer to the entry, big white letters filled the air above us.


A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine. I pulled on a serious face, One that was ready to fight.

Link held his Sheikah Slate up to another pedastal.

"Sheikah Slate Confirmed."

A circular design on the floor behind us flashed blue.

"Travel gate registered to map."

"Access granted"

And then the wall in front of us pushed inwards to reveal another circle on the ground with a Sheikah eye.

"Ready?" Link asked.

"As I'll ever be"

We both stepped unto it together. It flashed blue beneath us and then we started to descend.

This was happening. I was both excited and terrified.

It was dark for a long time, The feeling of moving downwards and lack of vision made me chew at my lip and take a step closer to Link.

Down. Down.

More and more darkness.

Until suddenly, Suddenly there was light and the floor under us clicked into place with the floor of the room we entered. Surrounded by a blue cylinder of light we walked through it, Skeptical, And into the shrine.

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