30: Past

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The rain was heavier that night, all you could see or hear was the rain.

It had started weeks ago and now the streets of castle town where coated in inches of thick mud.

All the flowers in the flower pots where drowning, they hung low.

It was a dreary time.

Every house was closed tight, not a window was left opened. Everyone was curled up inside their warm homes, wrapped up in wool blankets as they prayed for the rain to end.

But there was one man who worked in the rain.

He was tall and rugged. He swung a sword with such precision, pushing his limits until the thick wooden block split in two.

The man stood there in the pooring rain, sweating and seeming proud.

"Officer!" A thin woman ran out of the castle "officer, your health!"

"Yah yah" He brushed the woman off "I'll be done in a minute"

"Hmp" she stomped her big foot and ran back into the castle and out of the rain.

The officer picked up the swords and shields scattered across the grass and then brought them back inside.

"Ya'r ganna kill yaself if yah keep it up" the blacksmith said to the officer, pointing his bottle of alchohol at him.

"I thought you'd be at home by now" the officer said, grabbing his dry coat that hung by the red hot coals of the fire.

"Ah, my wife kicked me out, left me to the curb" he held the nearly empty bottle to his chest "ma heart can't take it anymore Bill" A hiccup left his lips.

"What did you do?" The officer named Bill asked, a smile on his lips.

"I ate the food" his hand went to his big round belly "The woman wouldn't let me eat anything I tell you! So I ate it all" He raised a arm in the air, looking beyond happy with himself.

Bill shook his head "well I should go, hope things get better"

"T-thanks Bud"

And with that Bill pulled the coat on and left.

The moment he stepped unto the streets of castle town his feet sunk into the mud. It was completely dark except for the soft light glowing from inside the houses. Bill pulled his hood up over his head as the rain got thicker and seemed to roar as it heavily hit the ground.

Bill heard a sound and it seemed happy, lifting his head he spotted the bar.

Without thinking he walked over to it.

At the entrance he paused, noticing something in the mud to his right.

Bending down he grabbed unto a tiny frozen arm "kid?"

There was no answer.

"Hey kid!"

Still no answer.

The officer rushed to scoop the child into his arms and then ran to the hospital. It took ten minutes to get there but finally he ran in, soaked but standing tall "I need a doctor!"

A woman with curly red hair walked out of a room looking shocked. She was dressed in a white nurses uniform "the doctors not in right n-now. He-"

"Then you help him" Bill walked up to the nurse, her eyes scanned the child for only a moment before she took action.

"Hurry, follow me"

He did, he rushed into the room and placed the boy on a bed.

"I'll make sure your son will be okay, but please wait at the front desk"

"Oh he isn't m- alright thank you" Bill walked out.

At the front desk the man debaited with himself.

It took only a minute but his resolve was made, he sat down on a wooden chair and waited.

An hour passed and finally the door to the room sqeeked open "come on your father is waiting" the nurse said.

Bill stood up straight and gazed in wonder as the boy looked up at him in confusion.

"Oh, I'm not his father" Bill stated.

"Oh, I-I just assumed" she stuttered.

"It's alright" he nodded then looked to the blonde boy "is he okay?"

"Yes. But he needs to stay warm and be fed. The poor boy is skin and bones underneath those rags for clothes"

The officer paused, thinking...

"I will care for him, maybe tomorrow if the rain stops I'll go around town and try to find his family"

"I hope he has one" the nurse seemed concerned.

Bill walked to the boy and squated down so he could be face to face with him "so what's your name?"

The boy said nothing.

"Can't you talk?"

The boy shook his head.

"That boy... was you Link"

Link stood in shock, starring at the castle in ruines in the far distance as the start of a memory played across his mind.


"I thought he'd come for me..." I said, frowning and looking out at the view from the tall tower.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's rather different.

P.s if you haven't heard of LiKovacs before she is a model who makes her own costumes (mostly Nintendo related 99.9% of the time). She is awesome and on twitter. (That's her own handmade Link costume she is wearing)


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