Red Sneakers

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The guy ever so eloquently flaunting his red sneakers walked past me again.

Fourth time today.

Among the huge wave of zombies, and by zombies I mean factory workers, that always walked by, his red sneakers always catches my eye.

Wow that rhymed, kind of. Unplanned.

It may either be because of the shoes itself, or the guy who's wearing them. He looks like-able in my opinion.

With that calm face, and his laid back hair, he doesn't even try to look nice, he just is. He looks neat to me.

But when he smiles... It makes me want to smile too. He's like a ray of sunshine coming towards your cold face.

Maybe it really is just the sneakers that makes him look vaguely presentable.

It's seemingly unnoticeable if I'm being honest. Unless he wears all red then that's a different story for another day.

I rarely talk to the guy with the red sneakers. When I say rarely, I meant twice as of now.

I do like how the sneakers look so nicely when he wears it. I'm now doubting if I should wear one myself, I'm afraid I wouldn't do justice to the sneakers.

a/n: Dedicated to the Tech Guy working for my client who's always wearing those red sneakers.

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