At The End of the Rainbow

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"John, stop!" I yelled out to his nearly disappeared image through the forest.

"Come on man, it's just this once" John insisted as he shoved branches out of the way to clear the path. I rolled my eyes and grunted in disapproval. He's being a dick again, his usual self almost everyday.

"I told you before, there's nothing at the end of a rainbow." I complained as I straddled along and tried to keep up with his pace as we hustle and bustle through the eerie woods this early in the morning.

I remember raining a while ago when I woke up to get something to drink at around four in the morning. It's foggy and there were mud puddles everywhere, wet leaves and grass all around, damp soil and that weird earthy smell after it rains hovers through your nose like cats rubbing their bodies on your leg, begging you to pet them.

"Have you been into one?" He stopped and looked back at me, his arms crossed and eyebrows gently raised as I try my hardest not to trip over or fall into the muddy ground.

"No, but-" I muffled out to the wind.

"But nothing, now follow me so I can prove you wrong" John said, definitely full of confidence and determination.

There's really no stopping him is there? I asked myself as I struggled to keep up with John. I don't know why he wanted to do this in the first place but this is really getting out of hand and quite frankly, a stupid idea to do, and I still don't know why I'm tolerating his shit so early in the morning and on a weekend for that matter.

"I shouldn't even be here for Pete's sakes! It's seven in the morning! I should be in bed sleeping until ten." I whispered under my breath angrily as I stomped my way towards John.

"I think it's here Freddie" John says, his voice distant filled with enthusiasm resonating from his voice. I crossed my eyebrows and murmured incoherent words in resentment and tried to ignore him as I make my way towards the path to crazy town.

"What's the matter Freddie boy? Scared that you'd be proven wrong?" John laughs as he kept going through the forest like person in a maze trying to get to the end of it.

"I swear to God if this is one of your stupid pranks again I'll-" I stopped at the image of John standing in the middle of a small clearing area of the forest, where light shone and glistened upon it and unto what appears to be a small black ceramic cauldron.

My heartbeat unconsciously increased as I watched John walk slowly towards the ever suspicious cauldron.

"John! Get back here!" I whispered to him trying not to alarm whoever owns that cauldron.

"Come 'ere" He motioned me to follow him without giving me even a single glance. His thick Irish accent started to show again, a little trick I know if he's nervous or anxious.

The wind began to pick up a little, and the earthy smell suddenly disappeared. Butterflies suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to surround us then I hear twigs breaking. I frantically look everywhere to see if anyone was here besides us as I walked slowly towards John.

"Let's just go back" I murmured miserably to John.

"I can't, I have to tell ya' somethin'" His thick Irish accent continued as he started to grab something into the cauldron putting me into a state of panic.

I hurriedly ran towards John until I saw what he picked up from the inside. A piece of paper.


He slowly turns to face me, his face filled with questioning and worry, his breath slightly irregular and his eyes glimmered with a hint of hope. He gave me a quick smile, crumpled the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket.

"What did-"

He grabbed me on my shoulders then gave me a kiss. I felt my head started to spin around and my knees weaken, my heart pounded harder, his eyes were closed, it was only after three seconds that I regained my senses, control of my body and got a hold of my composure to push John away from me, quickly ending the bittersweet kiss.

"Uhh I-uhh" His voice deepened, groggy and a little bit cracked, probably realizing what he had done.

His eyes filled with fear, his breath hitched and uneven as he never looked back, he started to run towards where we came from. He didn't even give me a chance to speak up. My breaths were heavy with adrenaline and my heart all giddy pounding like a little kid opening a Christmas present from Santa.

I watched John's shadow disappear into the woods completely before I remembered the paper he shoved forcefully in my pocket. It turned out to be a note.

Freddie, I know this is sudden. We've only known each other for a couple of months and it's been great hanging out with you, but with each moment that I spend with you, I can't help but fall deeper. You were my end of the rainbow so to speak. So if you're reading this, I hope this doesn't gravely affect our friendship.

"Damn it John" I murmured under my breath, tears escaping from my eyes as I clenched my fist.

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