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I've been reading again lately. A nice book titled "Something to Smile About" by Zig Ziglar. It's an awesome pick me up book, and I'm already halfway through it. Great for one story a day reading, it's just literally one page (front and back) per story, I'm reading somewhere 3-5 stories a day at work. Just secretly of course.

Also, I've come back to reading again like I was in college because I felt like I'm losing my writing touch. I know it sounds silly or whatnot, but I can't help it. It feels like I'm writing like shit now, and I need a help of another published writer to get some tips from.

My grammar is going bad, which I really hate. I can't even fathom to use big words like existentialism or something; lastly, I'm not getting any inspiration to keep writing. I'm in the middle of a good book and I can't be out of creativity and inspiration now?! I just can't let it happen.

I have quite a few more books still unopened but I plan to get to them this year. Let's just say I've added them to my new year's resolution even though a quarter of the year has already passed.

Most of the books are entrepreneurial books, one non-fiction which I bought in like 2010 or something, and I haven't even opened it until now, there is still plastic covering the damned thing. Another book I bought was "The Art of War" by of course Sun Tzu. That's the next one on my list after I finish this book I'm currently reading.

I mean come on, look at this, just a few words into this chapter and I've already used two profanities. Fuck!

Make it three.

I'm trying so hard not to use them in the book I'm writing on; fortunately I haven't used any profanity, at least once. Achievement!

Now I'm just on the verge of having a writer's block and going insane. I just hope I get what I need from reading all these books.

Fingers crossed.

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