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What are your thoughts on genies?

What if you were given three wishes? Would you immediately wish for those things you wanted currently? Or would you overcome the hype and joy to think about what you'd really wish for?

You see, genies are tricky jerks. If you'd wish for money, sure you'd get money, but where did it come from? It could be stolen from the bank, stolen from the people or stolen from the government. 

You'd wish to end world hunger, sure no one would suffer, but the damn commodity prices would shoot sky high with the demand of food all over the place.

Point is, you have to be smart with your wishes. Nothing comes to you without consequences so they say, but that's the loophole. Be specific with your wishes, they're already magical, make the most out of it, don't be too general or the genie would take it too literal and you'll end up only God knows where.

But if you'd ask me right now, I couldn't think of anything at the moment 'cause it's 4:33 am here. My brain is kinda busy right now, and I'm on auto pilot as I'm writing at this moment.

But if you'd ask me again later, after I've had breakfast and coffee, I'd wish for a successful company that can give me the biggest possible passive income with no risks and with no consequences for me or my firm with a 100% legitimacy on it's operations with no competitions nor enemies for the firm inside and outside of it. Let it be successful for the next of my kin and their kin and so on.

With that I could buy a lot of things so the next would be love, but not just any kind of love. I'd wish for a successful love life and marriage that would last a life time, and lifetime meaning until we're both old and die of old age. 

A person who can love me for myself but also be my best friend, someone faithful with a sense of humor. Someone who's brave and honest and can be blunt from time to time. Someone who's very compatible with me with little flaws here and there, but nothing too gross. 

Then lastly I'd wish for unlimited wishes.

Just kidding, they can't do that. It's apparently in their "Genie Code".

The standard is 3 and will only be 3.

So for my last wish, I'd wish that I'm a great swimmer who doesn't compete but still be a person, talented with a piano and could sing beautifully but wouldn't use it for fame and fortune and be awesome at driving cars and cooking without actually taking the time to acquire such great skills.

'Cause basically I don't know what's the cost for those things so I thought I'd just wing it.

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