Deep Desires

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For sure you all know that we, as human beings, have desires that we want to fulfill. Be they moral, immoral, a person, a thing etc.

The point is, having desires is a normal human function, so if you have one then that's good, if not, then maybe there's something missing in your life.

I for one, currently have a desire for finding love. Though, I do not seek it aggressively, nor do I seek it for that matter, I'm just waiting for it to come to me.

I know it sounds childish but that's what I believe in. I only fear for the amount of time I would have to wait in order to find what I desire. If will it be worth the wait or not?

I've learned a long time ago, perhaps in 5th grade, that desires of a person can also be either good or bad and can also influence people depending on their desires. Imagine that.

People controlling other people so that they can get what they so desired.

It does now seem awful if you put it like that though.

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