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If only someone taught me how to live my life, you know? The right way to live it, I think I'd be happier than I am right now.

If only I had known that I had a chance to meet someone like you, I would've lived a better life before I met you just so I could meet you again as a different and much better person than I am now.

If only someone told me that I was going be like this, I would've changed it years before it could even happen.

If only someone went to the gym with me, then I wouldn't be so afraid to go.

If only my friends didn't stopped being my "friends", then everything would be much different right now.

If only someone guided me throughout my life, a wise person whom I can trust. I'd be grateful to them more than they can imagine.

If only someone had been a good friend to me, a lifetime friend, then I wouldn't be this miserable as I am now.

If only I knew that I was going to hit this point, I would've done something about it.

If only I could meet my past self, I'd tell him to change everything.

From lifestyle, group of friends, the choices to make, to the job I take. Everything.

I'm just feeling depressed right now.

So many ifs.

But I couldn't do anything about them now.

What I can only do is change my future. That should start right now.

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