Promise To A Lady

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A friend told me a story. Unbelievable as it may seem, she got me to listen attentively.

She grew up poor, but she was definitely beautiful. She was not my cup of tea though. Sincerely.

No, I'm not a girl. She was just a good friend to me who told me this insane story that happened to her a while back.

This was around the time when I was in the Philippines to get some research done. She didn't had a place to stay because her dad's house got repossessed by the bank, with a few more other debts on hand.

I promised to help her out when I get back even if she refused my help a couple of times already.

A day being homeless made her think so many stupid things. One of which was self harm, at other times it was suicide. Which, a good thing, she didn't do.

She then thought to put her beauty to use. In my mind, I was hoping she doesn't say stripper.

She said pay for sex instead. Which is, for the record, still on the same line as being a stripper.

Long story short, she found a guy. Eloquent, charming, funny, sort of rich and has warm heart. I didn't knew if she was hearing herself when she told me about him.

He sounded like the perfect guy. Only he just wants sex.

She even showed me his picture, and to my dismay, he was hella hot. Her descriptions didn't even give him justice. They were having coffee together at his mansion in the photo. A mansion! Can you believe that?

She told me that he told her, that night while they were doing the deed at her repossessed house that he was going to marry her.

She woke up the next morning with no one else in the room. She started to get dressed, but when she got out he was there, getting out of the car, with Chinese take-outs, cause she LOVES Chinese food.

She started to cry, 'cause she thought he was never coming back, that he was just lying to get in bed with her, but there he was. Like a prince getting off of a white horse, except it was a black Ferrari. But who cares.

She then told me what he said to her before he proposed.

These were his exact words: "I meant what I said. Last night when we're in bed. I know you're in blue. But what I said was true. I'm here to say. That forever I will stay. And believe it or not. I'm here to tie it with a knot.

Will you marry me Christy?" Then he takes out this ring, as he was down on one knee.

She was big on poetry, so I guess you could imagine what she said. She was still smiling as she got on the cab when we left the cafe where she told me the story of how she met her fiancée, while looking at her big ass diamond ring.

I still couldn't believe it until today. But hey, at least I know the food in the reception is going to be great.

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