Kid Again

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Don't you just wish sometimes that you were a kid again? Or at least wish the idea of being a kid again?

Where you don't have a care in the world or whatever shit is happening around you, all you care about are cookies, junk food, friends (other kids), candy, TV and games.

Where school is just for fun because you'll see all your friends, where playtime is a big deal, where sleepovers are cool and where carpooling is a thing. Those are just the icing on the cake.

Being a kid also means you get fewer responsibilities, less stress and lesser worrying.

You get to play games a lot, receive cool gifts in Christmas.

There are also downsides on being a kid again.You get to have more limited things to do as opposed to being an adult, you're way more sensitive physically and mentally (usually) compared to when you're an adult, you're scared about a lot of little things that an adult isn't afraid of, you're shorter, usually no adult listens to you, you're sometimes ignored until you cry or get hurt, you need adult supervision, you don't have that much money (well it's not like you have a lot of money now that you're an adult, or do you?) and you hate chores (who doesn't?).

Yeah, I wish I was a kid again.

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