Powerful Choice

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If you were given 10 choices, which one would you choose?

But what kind of choice you ask?

It's the kind of choice that could change your life forever. But what are those you ask?

If you had to choose ONLY ONE of the following to be born with, which would you choose and what would you do with it? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

1.       The power to see into the future whether near or far and can see the past as well.

2.       The power to fly. Like the power of Josie Stronghold in the movie sky high. It can only go as fast as 100 miles per hour though.

3.       The power to heal yourself and others. Clearly you cannot revive the dead, not slow the aging process of a person, you can only heal wounds. It works on other life forms as well e.g. animals and plants.

4.       The power to control things with your mind or telekinesis meaning you can push/pull things or make/break them apart. You can freeze people in their place by using your power to immobilize his/her body or push/pull them but you cannot separate the molecules of a person like Jean Grey in X-men: The Last Stand and you can't use your power to fly as well.

5.       The power to control fire like the Human Torch of fantastic four, Pyro of X-men or Zuko in Avatar: Legend of Aang or anything of the like, just no lightning like in the avatar series. You can also have blue flames which is hotter than the regular one, and no combustion bending as well.

6.       If there's fire there has to be water. No blood bending and healing though like in the avatar series. But you can also have your water nature change into ice.

7.       The power of teleportation like Nightcrawler in X-men, which is also limited to the places you've seen only, or like Tommy Clark and Hiro Nakamura in Heroes/Heroes Reborn, but only teleportation, no time travelling or whatnot.

8.       The power to shape shift into any person like Mystique in the X-men series. It's literally self explanatory. Limited only to persons.

9.       The power of super speed, like the Flash, Dash Parr from the Incredibles or Quicksilver in X-men: Days of future past and Apocalypse. No time travelling like The Flash though.

10.   The power to become invisible and project force fields like Violet Parr in The Incredibles, but the you have to get specialized clothes like her or else, in order for you to be completely invisible you have to be naked.

My personal favorite would be number 7, because I love to travel. I could travel the whole world within 24 hours. Plus no more air or boat fare, and I could make a living out of it by transporting cargo. Nothing illegal though. Only me. Get it? No? Okay.

But why didn't I choose numbers 2 or 9, because they can also be used for travel, right?

Well, I don't like number 2 because I'm afraid of heights, and to think that I'm flying whatever feet above ground without in the safety (not really) of the seat in an airplane will freak me out until I get used to flying solo. But I choose not to go down that road so no.

I didn't like 9 because of my physique, I'm a tad chubby. Even though they can run on water they still would get tired of running around so there's a limit to that, plus there's still travel time and I don't want that. I'd like to get to my destination safely and instantly thank you very much.

Now, it's your turn.

If only you were born with one power which one of these would you choose and why?

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