Sweet Thoughts

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Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to live in one house with the guy of my dreams.

Most of the time I dream what could've been, had I gotten the man of my dreams.

I imagine us playing video games, with him beating me - but not all the time. Elbows on our knees, our heads in the game, we're being competitive – even trash talking from time to time. I see us playing Mario Kart 8 deluxe just because I watch a lot of MK8D these past few days.

Sometimes I dream of me playing video games in the morning, and out of nowhere he just jumps in front of the TV, naked, swinging his dong, telling me to get into the shower with him. I contemplate whether to give in while I tried my best not to be distracted with his swinging manhood and focus on the video game.

When he sees me fighting back by ignoring him, he just gives out a hand, a small gesture, yet powerful enough to put me out of focus from everything else and just makes me stare at his brownish earthy orbs, with that dang smile I can't ever resist. That's how much I'm in love with this guy.

At other times I imagine us cruising along the hi-way, riding his motorcycle. Wind in our hair, no helmets and driving 100 mph. Bad assess, I know. I see this happening at night, no other people around us while I hang onto him for my dear life, but I know he'll keep me safe. That's how much I trust him with my life.

I can feel his everything as I hug him from the back of his motorcycle, his heat, his torso, his heartbeat, his nipples, even his you know. I dare not to tickle him while driving though, even if it has crossed my mind.

Sometimes I dream of us having dinner in some fancy restaurant every once in a blue moon. It's not our thing to do "fine dining". Though he likes to do it from time to time just to make me feel special, but he doesn't have to really. Though I don't tell him that, because I like going to fancy restaurants, they always make good food.

We'd stay there until it closes, just talking about random things and about life. Afterwards we'd just take a walk out in the cold streets with his arm wrapped around my shoulder, showing his possessive side. From there we'd talk more about ourselves, just the mushy squishy side of love.

I also imagine us getting on a random plane to wherever and just have an adventure. As long as I'm with him, I'd go wherever he goes. We can go hiking, canoeing, biking, sky diving, swimming, really just about anything, because I feel that I can do anything if I'm with him.

But most of all, I dream of waking up beside him every morning at our beach house, with the light shining brightly enough onto his gorgeous face. We'd both be shirtless and be just in our boxers, I cuddle into him, signalling him that I'm awake. Then I'd ask what he'd like for breakfast and he'll respond with his raspy groggy manly morning voice that I always adored.

At other times I imagine it happening the other way around. Then I'd sit at the counter, watching him cook eggs and bacon, with the beautiful beach in the background and the morning sunlight just shining its way into our kitchen windows and doors. The sweet sizzling sound of the fryer cooking its way through our breakfast and the calm waves that hit the shore plus the squawk of seagulls ringing in your ears in the beautiful Sunday morning sounds just like a truly pure delight for me.

Oh what truly sweet thoughts this has been.

If only it can happen in real life, I'd be forever grateful.

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