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What kind of friends do you have?

I have different kinds of friends as of now. Allow me to expand on that.

First group: The forgotten

This group of friends were my friends back in my grade school, high school and even on my college days. These are the kinds of friends who have lost a common factor in our lives, which was school. This was the only thing that kept us in constant communication which was by mere obligation to go to school and therefore made a bond between ourselves during that time, but as we got older and went on to our own separate ways in every graduation in each levels of education we had, we suddenly forgot that we "had" each other in the first place and just lost communication with one another, hence the group name The Forgotten. You've forgotten that you were once friends. 

Next group: The remote

This group of friends were my "friends" by mere accident, or by way of other friends, like a friend of my friend that was introduced to me that also became my friend. In this group can also be found the friends that I have acquired through a medium but haven't actually met them in person. A medium can be anything short of a social media, so namely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or online mobile games like Clash of Clans, Mobile Legends and other MMORPG out there from the year 2005 up to the present.

Next group: The currents

This group of friends are the friends that I currently have in constant communication with because we have a common factor or activity in our everyday lives, it can be work, or church, or an outdoor activity, charity, music lessons, swimming lessons, gyms, any associations or establishments you can think of that has anything to do with your current lifestyle status, and it's that mere obligation to be in that kind of activity or whatever, is what keeps the friendship we have together.

Next group: The faded

This group of friends are like "The Currents" but one step lower on the friend group scale, because they're actually not current, but was recently a current. They're the group of friends you've had constant communication with but lost in touch or lost the connection or lost the common thing that you had, thus they're slowly fading away. It's like limbo, take it like this, first The Currents, then they become The Faded, then they become The Forgotten. They're the kind of friends that will remember you only if you remembered them. It's just sad honestly.

Next group: The users

This group of friends are my least favorite next to the group "The Forgotten". This is the group of friends whom I've met previously who immediately been downgraded from "The Currents" to "The Forgotten" and actually went lower to "The Users". They have acquired the title as such because of their decency to actually remember me only when they think that I can give something that they needed. I mean, I know we haven't talked in a long time but now you're suddenly asking for money or something else that you need? Come on, even if I do have money, I won't lend it to people like you. I'm sorry. (Not really sorry)

Next group: The fantasies

This group of friends only exist in my imagination. The perfect group of friends if you will, be they imaginary people or real people from the past or the present that you have thought of in your pretty little head of yours to accompany you and be their friend. Can't be more clearer than that.

Last group: The FFL

This group is my absolute favorite next to "The Currents". If you don't know yet, FFL stands for friends for life. These are the absolute best friends that you can ever ask for in your life. They're the group of friends that actually care about you and at the same time talk shit to you because they can and because you guys are really close. These are the kinds of friends who would want to hang out with you as well as with the others, you banter a lot, have fun, get into little trouble from time to time. They remember to meet up with you and the others as well, not only on occasions but at least once every week. You know almost everything there is to know about each other and what's happening in their lives. These are the kinds of friends that you can depend on when you need them and vice versa. These kinds of friends share the same views as you, have a lot of things in common, it's sort of the perfect group of friends you could possibly have like "The Fantasies" group, but with imperfections in each one, and it's those imperfections that makes you grow closer together, it makes you want to actually be together. These are the kinds of friends that I'd love to have but unfortunately don't have.

A little advice as a friend who has all these kinds of group of friends except for FFL, get yourself an FFL. It's the best thing that you'll ever do to yourself, honestly.

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